In seeing this video and, above all, in having lived the experience myself, I can't help but ask: How could you not love being Catholic? To feel the waves of emotion billowing through the crowds of faithful, to perceive their hope and faith in God's promise: "Never...
Papal Election
How A Saint Responds When Elected Pope – A Powerful Video Clip Of St. John Paul II
Is there any experience like that of being elected as the Vicar of Christ? Where does the strength and courage come from to utter those fateful words, "I accept." We have decided to share this clip from the movie Karol: The Man who Became Pope which offers a...
Understanding The Papal Transition From Resignation To Election
I’m sure many will, in the following days, be curious as to how the Papal election process takes place. Much of this will focus in on the practical details and perhaps no few reporters will make some wry comment about this “transparent election” which they seem to...
Pope Benedict XVI’s Legacy
There’s no doubt that our Holy Father’s decision has brought forth a wave of doubts, confusion, mixed emotions, and perhaps sadness as well. Today, together with an interesting commentary by Fr. Robert Barron on Pope Benedict XVI's legacy, we would like to offer some...