Innocent XI: The only "Blessed" Pope between St. Pius V and St. Pius X, the siege of Vienna, and the continued fight with France over Gallicanism. In this episode of Habemus Papam, Fr. Conrad discusses Blessed Innocent XI, who succeeded Pope Clement X–The newest and...
Habemus Papam: Episode 237 – Clement X
Clement X: The newest and oldest cardinal gets elected Pope unexpectedly. In this episode of Habemus Papam, Fr. Conrad discusses Pope Clement X, who succeeded Pope Clement IX–A popular Pope who heard confessions weekly for the public and who published the world’s...
Habemus Papam: Episode 236 – Clement IX
Clement IX: A popular Pope who heard confessions weekly for the public and who published the world's first comic opera. In this episode of Habemus Papam, Fr. Conrad discusses Pope Clement IX, who succeeded Pope Alexander VII–A cultured and honest Pope who fought...
Habemus Papam: Episode 234 – Innocent X
Innocent X: The Peace of Westphalia and the Jansenist Controversy. In this episode of Habemus Papam, Fr. Conrad discusses Pope Innocent X, who succeeded Pope Urban VIII–What the Barberians didn't do to Rome, the Barbarinis did. You can listen to the podcast about him...
Habemus Papam: Episode 233 – Urban VIII
Urban VIII: What the Barberians didn't do to Rome, the Barbarinis did. In this episode of Habemus Papam, Fr. Conrad discusses Pope Urban VIII, who succeeded Pope Gregory XV--the reform of papal elections and the most epic canonization ever. You can listen to the...
Habemus Papam: Episode 232 – Gregory XV
Gregory XV: The reform of papal elections and the most epic canonization ever.
Habemus Papam: Episode 231 – Paul V
Paul V: A capable administrator and the start of the Thirty Years War.
Habemus Papam: Episode 230 – Leo XI
Leo XI: Another Medici Pope, another friend of St. Philip Neri, and another short papacy.
Habemus Papam: Episode 229 – Clement VIII
Clement VIII: Another friend of St. Philip Neri, the first Pope to drink Coffee and the conversion of Henry of Navarre.
Habemus Papam: Episode 228 – Innocent IX
Another really short papacy, ended because of a cold pilgrimage in Rome.
Habemus Papam: Episode 227 – Gregory XIV
Gregory XIV: Another short papacy from another friend of St. Philip Neri.
Habemus Papam: Episode 226 – Urban VII
Urban VII: The Shortest Papacy in History.
Habemus Papam: Episode 225 – Sixtus V
Sixtus V: A poor friar from a tenant farming family becomes the friends of saints and then a reforming Pope.
Habemus Papam: Episode 224 – Gregory XIII
The Pope fixes the calendar, which we still use today.
Habemus Papam: Episode 222 – Pius IV
another reforming Pope who happened to have a saintly Cardinal Nephew.
Habemus Papam: Episode 220 – Marcellus II
A short papacy but a beautiful Mass that came from it.
Habemus Papam: Episode 219 – Julius III
A bit of a dissapointmnt for reformers, but some bright spots as the Council of Trent continues.
Habemus Papam: Episode 218 – Paul III
Reform, from another scandalous Renaissance Pope: A tentative start of the 19th Eccumenical Council, the Council of Trent.
Habemus Papam: Episode 217 – Clement VII
“The most unfortunate of the popes”, the Sack of Rome, the Split with England, and a waffling indecisive Pope.
Habemus Papam: Episode 216 – Adrian VI
The last non-Italian Pope until St John Paul II and the only Dutch Pope, a strict and pious reformer.
Habemus Papam: Episode 81–St. Benedict II
A Saintly Pope and the end of Byzantine Confirmation of Papal Elections. To listen to more Catholic Link podcasts, click here. View the Catholic Link YouTube page here....
An animated version of Pope Francis’ life is coming soon on Catholic-link. - With great joy I would like to share the trailer for the upcoming original production from Catholic-link on Pope Francis' life. We are still making some final adjustments and tweaks, but the official launch is ... COMING SOON! It has required...