He’s such a great guy, Ash – but I don’t know how to talk to him about, about. She paused searching carefully for her words. About, huff, you know! Ah, I told my sister, searching everywhere in that airtight moment for some wise words, which of course weren’t mine to...
Overcoming lust
5 Essential Tips For Young Adult Men To Live A Pure Life
Let’s face it. Purity is not always the easiest virtue to cultivate. And our culture isn’t giving young men any breaks! But the battle against lust is one that every Catholic man must fight. While that fight looks different for...
Playing With Pornography: 6 Practical Steps To Help You Stop
Saint Pope John Paul II once made this memorable comment on Pornography, "the problem with pornography is not that it shows too much of the person, but that it shows far too little." We live in society where sex sells. Models, showing too much sex appeal and wearing...
Is It Possible To Sustain A Relationship For More Than 4 Weeks Without Sex?
Let’s break this down. Elna Baker is a young Mormon woman who lives in New York. Her testimony of life in the city without drugs and sex is comical but proves to be difficult for her as she shares that she cannot sustain a relationship for more than four weeks without...