If you ever find the rosary hard to pray, or hard to commit to regularly, read on to find out our seven most surprising things that happen in your life when you start to pray the rosary more often! When you’re finished with this article, don’t forget to check out our...
How To Pray The Rosary? A Step-By-Step Visual Guide
The origin of the Rosary dates back to the year 800, but it has evolved throughout the centuries resulting in the Rosary we know today. The Rosary invites us to make a beautiful meditation about the life of Jesus and the Holy Virgin Mary. Whether we pray it alone or...
Is Halloween Catholic? A Guide To Reclaiming The Holiness Of This Celebration
This is the time of year when many Catholics ask themselves if it is ok to celebrate Halloween. Today we offer a few insights and resources to help you decide how you will participate in the cultural festivities and also remember to keep All Saints Day holy. The...
The Reason Many Catholics Will Be Taking Their Pets to Church Today
Today we celebrate the Feast of St. Francis. Among many other wonderful things, St. Francis was known for his love of animals and uncanny ability to connect with them. It is said that he treated animals with the utmost respect, love, and care. Legend has...
I Didn’t Like St. Therese of Lisieux… Until I Learned These 8 Little Known Facts About Her
I was fourteen years old and mad at my parents. They were wasting a whole day of our French vacation driving a four hour round trip to the Basilica of St. Therese of Lisieux. The car was uncomfortable, it was a perfect hot sunny day and I didn’t want to go. All I knew...
St. John Paul II, The Life Of A Holy Pope (Animated Video)
What led St. John Paul II to greatness? Was it because of his apostolic success, his impressive figure, or his untiring travels? Why is he so beloved by Catholics? No doubt, all this is important, but it isn't enough. John Paul the II has been recognized a saint for a...
They Call Her “The Prophet of Mercy,” Meet St. Faustina
Prayer of St. Faustina “O Lord, I want to be completely transformed into Your mercy and to be Your living reflection. May the greatest of all divine attributes, that of Your unfathomable mercy, pass through my heart and soul to my neighbor.Help me, O Lord, that my...