Over ten years ago, after concluding a Catholic radio program at a non-denominational station, I encountered a pastor as I exited the studio. He posed a straightforward question: "Why don't you ever discuss the prosperity gospel?" The ensuing dialogue remains vivid in...
The Top 3 Reasons People Don’t Go To Church Anymore (And How To Respond!)
We can see it. Church attendance is down. We view people who attend Mass monthly as our “engaged Catholics.” Those who attended out of habit and lukewarm faith fell out of the habit of coming to church when we closed parishes for the Covid-19 pandemic. Do we even...
Tithing: How Much Are We Called To Give The Church?
Giving to the Church There is one topic that no one wants to hear about in church: money. From my experience speaking to priests, they do not want to talk about it either. Ideally, the Parish would have enough money to cover expenses, expand programs, and provide for...
Your Complete Guide To Paying Priests For Things
“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon” - Matthew 6:24. How true that is! The Church and money have always had a challenging history and sometimes it has...
What Does A Teacher Make? This Answer May Surprise You!
Depending on where you live, it's most likely that school's out for the summer, or nearly is. Or perhaps, the students and teachers in your life are still embroiled in exam preparation and stress! Either way, this time of year reminds us of the importance of teachers...
The Budgeting Tips You Need To Manage Your Money Well
Growing up, my mom taught my brother and I the importance of managing our money well and how important it was for us to give of our time, talents, and treasures. And, I wish I could tell you that I've always managed a budget and done everything I was supposed to do...
If the Vatican Has so Much Money, Why Doesn’t It…? 7 Things To Know About The Finances Of The Church
Like every good Catholic, surely you have had to explain the Pope, the Virginity of Mary, priestly celibacy, and refute the nonsense that appears in tabloids and on TV—which includes everything from claiming Jesus had children to conspiracy theories about the worldly...
What if you lived your whole life for a false “you”?
Catholic-link.com – What if you worked your whole life and, on the day of your death, you saw for the first time that you weren’t doing what you were supposed to? That you worked for someone else, for a false idea of who you are? The video, narrated by Alan Watts...
“The Ultimate Gift”: A movie about discovering what really matters.
Catholic-link.com - This is a trailer of a great movie for talking about the meaning of our lives and the need to value those things that really last: love, friendship, faithfulness, faith... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWL7Ab4iHMg