Studies show that the first five years of our lives are the most critical for our human development. Not surprisingly, this is a crucial time for undergoing brain development, language skills, and physical growth. But studies also show that this is not the only stage...
Millennial Catholics
Young Adults Needed For Help With Catholic Media Survey!
Young Adults Needed To Take Survey --> My name is Madeleine Hamm, originally from Northern Virginia, I am now finishing my studies in International Communications and Media at the Hogeschool Utrecht in the Netherlands. For my graduate thesis,...
6 Reasons Your Parish Should Open Its Convent Buildings To Young Adults
Across America many Catholic convent buildings, which once housed a blessed surplus of religious sisters, are now standing underutilized and sometimes completely empty. The disuse of these buildings is expensive on our already cash-strapped parishes. On the other...
17,000 Reasons To Be Hopeful About The Catholic Church
Picture thousands of college students from all over America and across the globe together in the tropical city of Indianapolis, Indiana for a weeklong conference where they will be praying, listening to talks, and learning about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus...
What Millennial Catholics Really Want To Say To Priests
Dear priests, Let’s just cut to the chase… You do A LOT for us. Probably more than you know. But, there is something that we aren’t sure if you know…and that is how THANKFUL we are for everything that you all do! So, as a token of our appreciation, we have a...