In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George to discuss reflection and contemplation upon God's work throughout the past day. In the Nativity story, we hear that Mary pondered the first Christmas in her heart. Fr. Rob and Fr. George call us to...
Scriptural Prayer with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George discuss how one can pray with Scripture. Fr. Rob shares the Benedictine method, commonly known as Lectio Divina for scriptural prayer. Lectio Divina is Latin for Divine Reading. In Lectio Divina, one...
Silence and the Spiritual Life with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discuss how silence is an essential aspect of the spiritual life whereby one comes to a deeper knowledge of the truth of the present moment and increasingly aware of God's presence in their...
A Meditation For The Eve of Christmas Eve
God come to my assistance, Lord make haste to help me. As I enter into prayer today, I will take a moment to acknowledge where I am in my physical and emotional space. I offer any suffering to Jesus through Mary’s Immaculate Heart. Lord come into my heart and mind and...
A Guided Advent Meditation On Scripture And Experience
God come to my assistance, Lord make haste to help me. As I enter into prayer today, I will take a moment to acknowledge where I am in my physical and emotional space. I offer any suffering to Jesus through Mary’s Immaculate Heart. Lord come into my heart and mind and...
How Meditation On The Rosary Brings Healing
We all are in need of healing. Maybe it’s from something life-altering – the death of a loved one, a lost job, a chronic illness, a miscarriage, a hurting relationship. Or maybe it’s from something that seems small, the thing that we want to push aside, but continues...
Hallow Plus GIVEAWAY! Enter Here
You're going to be hearing a lot about Hallow over the next few weeks. We've just launched a partnership with this revolutionary Catholic prayer and meditation app and we're so excited to share how we've been growing spiritually because of it with you. Katie and Drew...
Seek and Save | Liturgy Live 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
This week we really dive deep into the beginning of the first reading. How the whole universe is a grain from the balance. How small we are in the relation to everything, yet how much God loves each and every one of us. We talk about thinking about God and thinking...
How To Pray With Your Imagination On The Epiphany
How to Pray with Your Imagination on Epiphany 2 Spiritual Exercises to let the light of Christ shine and break into our darkness 1. Imagine the vivid scene of clouds and darkness, pierced by light. Using especially this week's first Mass...
How To Pray Lectio Divina? A Visual Step By Step Guide
“Lectio Divina” means divine reading in Latin. It’s an ancient practice that teaches us how to read, meditate on and live the Word of God. History tells us that it was the Blessed Guigo the Carthusian, who wrote the “most important stages” of this way of meditating...
Jesus’ Passion In Sacred Art: Meditating On The Sorrowful Mysteries Of The Rosary
Have you noticed the proliferation of zombie apocalypse imagery and themes everywhere in popular entertainment? The phenomenon is ironic to me, because just now as zombies preoccupy campy media, real life has become increasingly anesthetized. Death and sin are swept...
5 Works Of Art To Help You Pray The Joyful Mysteries Of The Rosary
Today, we resume our series on sacred art as an aid to praying the Holy Rosary. Sacred art makes sense, and it is just one more of the countless treasuries of our Catholic heritage. The Incarnation of the God-Man, Jesus Christ, would forever infuse humanity - human...
These 8 Keys To Prayer Will Change The Way You Pray
Prayer is intended to be our way of communicating with God. It is a gift, yet sometimes it becomes a task, a burden, or a mundane part of our daily routine. We may also experience dry spells in our spiritual life and begin to feel disconnected from the God who...
5 Works Of Art To Help You Pray The Glorious Mysteries Of The Rosary
Far from a distraction away from God or - even worse, as some claim - idolatry, sacred art makes sense. Whether as a teaching tool, a meditative window or - on the part of the artist - an act of human participation in the creative impulse of God, beauty in art speaks...
Conference: “How to Discover Peace in Prayer: A Practical Guide to Meditation”
Sometimes prayer and meditation can be a bit intimidating. Who has time for it? And with what little free time we do have, prayer feels more like an obligation than anything else. What's more, besides a Mass and a few minutes before bed, all the other things are for...
Communion Meditation: “You’re Worth Dying For Right Now”
Today’s video invites us to reflect on an important and often forgotten about moment during Mass - the after Communion Meditation. Too often we may return to our pew after receiving Communion and sit and think. We may make a short prayer, the choir launches into a...
How To Begin Praying With The Breath To Improve Your Spiritual Life
Through intentional breathing, we are subtly able to affect both our heart rhythm and our interior life (see Heartmath Institute). Such gentle guidance of our interior life constitutes a form of asceticism whereby we can calm the disorders of the heart and create the...
QUIZ: What Psalm Should You Pray Today?
For an apostle, prayer is not optional. It is a fundamental need that spiritually nurtures us and allows us to offer an authentic testimony of a constantly renewed encounter with the Lord Jesus. Remember: no one gives what they don’t have. No matter how much you read,...
What Do You Have To Be Thankful For? In Just Might Be Suffering!
Dr. Peter Kreeft, a philosophy professor at Boston College, does an incredible job explaining how both God and Suffering can exist in this brief video. In just a few minutes, Dr. Kreeft successfully refutes many of the arguments that atheists often use when they...