I tease that I grew up as a “Metho-byterian-ist of God” - I was baptized United Methodist, sang in a Presbyterian traveling youth choir, went to Wednesday night Bible study with my Baptist friends, and often visited an Assemblies of God church with a guy I dated. As...
Mass tips
The Male Saints Listed In The Roman Canon
In Communion with Those Whose Memory We Venerate In the Roman Canon, the First Eucharistic Prayer, in the section called the Communicantes, we are reminded of our communion with the Apostles and Martyrs. After the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph are mentioned, then many...
Our 10 Favorite Catholic Masks
In many parts of the world, if you want to go to Mass you have to wear a mask. In my opinion, it's a small price to pay for the opportunity to worship the Creator of the Universe and receive Holy Communion. It might not always be comfortable, but we can be stylish and...
7 Free Resources To Help Kids Understand The Gospel
Ever go to Mass and walk away totally confused? It happens sometimes. There are Sundays when we just don't understand the point the readings are trying to illustrate or when the priest gives a homily that is difficult to follow. If this is a struggle for us as adults,...
Mass Will Never Be The Same After You See This
The Veil Removed, produced by Greg Krajewski and RD Delgado, powerfully shows what happens during each and every Mass that takes place in Catholic Churches across the world. Take 5 minutes out of your day and watch this short video. You will never look at Mass the...
Does It Matter What You Wear To Mass?
Dress to Impress For Catholic Mass? I want to make something clear from the outset. This article is NOT about dressing to impress on Sundays. The Church is not about fashion; though, there are many beautiful chasubles, habits, stoles, and the like in the Church’s two...
Young Kids And Mass: 3 Essential Tips For Success
Yup, that topic. Young children and the Mass. Little did I know seven years ago, before our first was born, what an expert I’d become on the topic. At first, it seemed so easy to go to Mass with a child. We’d go to Mass, infant Clare would nurse or sleep, and maybe...
7 Truths You Need To Know If You’re Part Of A Parish Choir
https://catholic-link.org/trouble-understanding-the-mass-heres-a-simple-explanation/ A few years ago, I belonged to a choir, but for different reasons, I had to leave it and commit to other things in the field of evangelization. However, I have continued educating...
9 (Non-Spiritual) Skills Kids Learn At Mass That Prepare Them For School
Of course, there is no question that the spiritual benefits far outweigh any practical benefits that children may receive when they attend Mass and that the reason we attend Mass is to be with and worship Our Lord, but we’ve already written about that in a few other...
Should You Sing At Mass Even If You Can’t Carry A Tune?
Sometimes the choir sounds so beautiful at Mass that it's tempting to not join in singing. You're inclined to just sit back, relax and enjoy the show. But, that's just it. This isn't a show. This is Mass. This is our highest form of worship and prayer and it is...
9 Tip Survival Guide For Returning To Mass When You Haven’t Been In Awhile
This article is for you, especially for you, if you have been thinking about going back to Mass. On the part of all of us at Catholic-Link, let me personally invite you back to mass (we even wrote a letter for you!): We want you back! Today's article looks to give you...
10 Things You Should Know About Catholic Mass Etiquette
A few weeks ago during Mass the people in the pew behind me would not stop talking. They chatted away throughout the whole celebration. Needless to say, it was driving me crazy. I was getting more and more aggravated mostly because I was struggling to keep my own...
QUIZ: Is It A Sin To Skip Mass On A Holy Day Of Obligation?
Each time I hear the phrase “Holy Day of Obligation,” I cringe just a little. Not because I don’t want to go to Mass, just the opposite. The Mass is such a gift that I hate to hear it referred to as an obligation. It's time to change how we think and what we say about...
How to “Go in Peace, Glorifying the Lord by your Life”
Do you ever think about these words said to us by the priest at the end of Mass? Too often, I’m flicking through the hymn book to find the last hymn, and I miss their significance. Every phrase said in the Mass is there because it is important, so this isn’t just a...
Is It A Sin To Be Bored At Mass?
This short video from Mark Hart, “Bored at Mass?”, will most likely speak to each and every one of us since it hits upon a very real struggle that many face – not only in the past, but also presently, and potentially in the future. But why? Why is it that we can...
Communion Meditation: “You’re Worth Dying For Right Now”
Today’s video invites us to reflect on an important and often forgotten about moment during Mass - the after Communion Meditation. Too often we may return to our pew after receiving Communion and sit and think. We may make a short prayer, the choir launches into a...
Every Mass Is A Wedding And We Are The Guests Of Honor
We have all experienced the joy of sharing what we have with others, especially when we do so for those in need. When we share, we do not lose, rather we gain. Not only do we have more, we are more and our heart is filled with joy. How much greater would that joy be...
Is It Possible To Go To Mass With Children? Tips For Taking Your Family To Church
This could quite possibly be one of the cutest videos on the internet, as well as the goal of every Catholic parent of young children. Don’t we all wish our children could perform the Mass as beautifully as Isaiah does? Right now, it’s just a struggle to get my...
What To Wear To Mass: The Importance Of Dressing For The Occasion
People have become more casual when dressing for mass. Jeans and t-shirts replace what had been the Sunday best - dresses, formal outfits, and suits complete with ties and nice shoes. Still, we learn, he makes it a point to put on a suit jacket, so he can show respect...
If You Want To Do Something For God, Go To Mass
Father, you want me to be what? A Eucharistic minister? Oh no, Father, I am not worthy! There were my responses – thirteen years ago – when my parish priest approached me to consider serving the People of God as an extraordinary minister of the Eucharist (the more...