In many parts of the world, if you want to go to Mass you have to wear a mask. In my opinion, it's a small price to pay for the opportunity to worship the Creator of the Universe and receive Holy Communion. It might not always be comfortable, but we can be stylish and...
The Drama of Our Masks
“I was still laughing as I dressed up, and in the process I completely forgot what I had intended to represent. No matter; it was novel and exciting not to decide till afterward before the mirror. The face I fastened on had a singularly hollow smell; it lay tight over...
Do you have the confidence to take your mask off and be the person God created you to be?
The path towards Christ is one that passes necessarily through growth in self-knowledge and understanding. In drawing closer to Him, we discover more and more of who He has created us to be. The use of the masks: every barrier that we construct–whether we are...
The people behind the stereotype: “African Men” - "Can any thing good come from Nazareth?" ... "Come and see." (Jn 1, 46) As the apostles bear witness, stereotypes have existed throughout human history. Their damaging influence continues today in each one of us. The video promotes a cool...
A Mask: The Only Thing that God Can’t Work With
This video unmasks the insincerity and lies we often find ourselves trapped in, either consciously or unconsciously. The truth is that masks have become a cultural vice because we live in a world where image and appearances are the standard. This standard puts a lot...