We need one another. As men, we need strong women. We need their support. Women need strong men and need their support as well. When it comes to being men and women, we desperately need to be and remain GROUNDED, to avoid getting caught up and carried away by...
letter to women
5 Things Catholics Should Look For In A Mentor
Mentors have been an instrumental part of my life. While I was in high school, the college advisor did little to motivate me to pursue the first college of my choice. It was Helen who guided me through the process that ultimately helped me get accepted. After college,...
11 Quotes From Pope John Paul II’s “Letter to Women” That Everyone Should Know
In my beginning stages of exploration into women and the Church, I've been told so many times to check out Pope John Paul II's Letter to Women, which he wrote in June 1995, before the Fourth World Conference on Women. I've finally read it, and his message is...