In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George discuss the Olympics Opening Ceremony that depicted the Last Supper in a blasphemous way. Fr. George and Fr. Rob explore ways that we can respond to when an injustice occurs. Find the median between...
Last Supper
How Catholics Can Respond To The Mockery Of The Last Supper During The Olympics
How can Catholics respond to the apparent display of “The Last Supper” performed by drag queens at the Opening Ceremony for the Olympics? What should we do when our faith is mocked? Bishop Robert Baron Responds To Olympic's Mockery Of The Last Supper Bishop Barron...
What Is The Altar Of Repose?
One day each year – and one day only – there is no Catholic Mass celebrated throughout the world. One day. The Easter Triduum begins with Holy Thursday Mass. What many Catholics don’t realize is that Good Friday service not a Mass, but a liturgy, as no hosts are...
The Hour Of Jesus
Choose an unblemished male lamb to be sacrificed. The lamb is to be offered by a priest as a sacrifice to ransom people from death. The flesh of the lamb is to be eaten. Sound familiar? Tune into this Catholic Bytes episode to learn about the connections
5 Works Of Art To Help You Pray the Rosary: The Luminous Mysteries
Did you know that these five mysteries were introduced by Pope John Paul II in 2002? His Apostolic Letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae established a Year of the Rosary - somewhat akin to this past year's Year of Mercy. For those who try to pray five decades daily, these...