Occasionally, when I am feeling particularly adventurous, I load up the minivan and bring my five kids (eight and under) to the nearby Benedictine monastery for one of their hours of sung prayer. It is a little monastery, and when we go, we outnumber the nuns...
Catholic Gifts For Kids Christmas 2023
If you're shopping for Catholic kids this Christmas, this is the list for you! The children in your life will love these gifts and also grow in their faith because of them. Catholic Children's Gifts Mass Kit, Saint Dolls, Reusable Sticker Books, & Much More! |...
You’re Going To Want To Share This Song With Your Mom
JJ Heller, a popular Christian recording artist, has released a beautiful song as a tribute to her mom and you're going to want to share with your own mom this Mother's Day. Too often we don't realize what a gift our parents have been to us until we are living on our...
Best Catholic Books For Babies And Young Children
It has become more and more difficult to find a book for Catholic children to read. Growing up, I remember the classics, like Guess How Much I Love You, and their messages of love, kindness, and family adventure. Recently, my husband and I have discovered the need to...
A Catholic Dad Gives His 10 Best Strategies For Mass With Kids
Mass With Kids: A Seemingly Impossible Task Parenting young children at Mass seems like an undoable task. How can they be expected to be still and silent for an hour or more? Should I take turns with my spouse and do Mass in shifts? Will the other parishioners be...
A Big List Of Saints From Big Families
When I'm out and about running errands with my children, it's inevitable that someone will comment on the size of my family. Are they all yours? Were you trying for the girl? My, you've got your hands full! And, my personal favorite, you do know how that happens,...
7 Things Catholic Parents Can Do This Summer
Summer is my favorite time of the year here in Ohio. I love everything about it, especially the warm weather and the long nights. Having my kids home from school can be incredibly exhausting, but it's absolutely the highlight of the summer months. So many...
Do Your Kids Want to be Saints When They Grow Up?
This video was made by Adcom to promote the Creative Young Entrepreneur of the Year award. As children, we dream impossible dreams. We do not calculate pros and cons; we just launch ourselves into action. As we grow older we learn that we need to be more careful, more...