Meet Servant of God Michelle Duppong through the lens of those who knew and worked with her and then see Radiating Joy: The Michelle Duppong Story in theaters on Nov. 12. Matthew Kurtz, is a product manager at eCatholic. He worked with Michelle Duppong whose life is...
Eucharistic Congress with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George share their experiences from the Eucharistic Congress. Father George attended and reflects on some of the formative encounters and joys of the event. Fr. Rob shares an insightful reflection from a...
True Happiness Is…The Truth?
The greatest philosophers in history say yes In March of 2024, Axios reported that the United States had hit a new low in the annual World Happiness Report. The U.S. dropped eight spots, to Number 23 overall—the first time it’s fallen out of the Top 20. Americans felt...
How I Find True Joy In Difficult Times: Insights From A Catholic
Our Catholic faith is an absolute treasure trove of wisdom that I truly believe is deeper and greater than any human suffering, no matter how intense and unbearable. So if nothing you’re about to read appeals to you - keep digging through the treasure, my friend,...
Finding Joy In Times Of Struggle
When my grandma turned 91, I remember her saying: “You can find joy in all stages of life.” That’s always stuck with me. I know it to be true in regards to getting older, but I also believe it to be true in relationship to the world: You can find joy in all...
The Body Of Christ Suffers When We Choose To Compare | Sunday Reflection January 23, 2022
1 Corinthians 12:12-30 Brothers and sisters:As a body is one though it has many parts,and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body,so also Christ.For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body,whether Jews or...
Better Than Happy: The Joy Of Your True Calling
I was a postulant with the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity when I learned that there is a difference between being happy and being joyful. Up until then, I had thought the terms were interchangeable. Someone could be happy being able to see their friends. A...
4 Steps To Finding Peace In Troubled Times
We are living in unprecedented times. The tension has become palpable. You can see it on our roads, in stores, even within our churches – people are stressed beyond belief. We live with the media shouting their respective agendas at us 24/7 – pandemic, civil unrest,...
5 Things To Do When Life Is Chaotic
It’s a running joke that since the pandemic started, our pairs of jeans haven’t seen the light of day. In fact, we may not even have gotten out of pajamas before schooling children, working remotely, and keeping up with a house when everyone is always home. It’s...
Seeking Easter Joy
Christ is risen! Truly He is risen! The stone is rolled away. The tomb where Christ once laid is empty. Death did not hold Him. He conquered death and restored life. Jesus, Our Redeemer, brings us life, love, and hope won for us all through His passion, death, and...
Sr. Mary Jo Throws A Curve Ball That Stuns The Internet
Sr. Mary Jo Sobieck is the latest nun making sports news on the internet. Her "perfect pitch" has caught the attention of every major news outlet, is fascinating viewers on social media, and was even featured on ESPN's sports highlights. Check it out what the Chicago...
The One Question We Need to Ask Ourselves to Find What We’re Looking For
“You were within, and I was outside. And there I sought after you.” - Augustine When he was a young man, Augustine invented a fable to describe the obstacles he faced in his search for truth. The fable is about Philocalia (love of beauty) and Philosofia (love of...
A List Of Saints Who Never Suffered, Faced Trials, Or Experienced Temptation
The most comprehensive List Of Saints Who Never Suffered, Faced Trials, Or Experienced Temptation. Ask the Saints to interceded for you and get to know their stories! You'll be glad you did. A List Of Saints Who Never Suffered, Faced Trials, Or Experienced Temptation...
Finding Joy In Dissatisfaction
One of the best ways to enrich your experience at Sunday Mass is to pray the Mass Readings personally and to meditate on a Gospel reflection. A great way of doing this is using the technique of Lectio Divina, a powerful method which we explain here. The following is...
10 Things That Happen When You Commit To Chastity In Your Life
In the timeless Broadway classic "Les Miserables," character Fantine wraps up Victor Hugo's epic saga with one golden line: "To love another person is to see the face of God." Hugo's words greatly echo Saint Pope John Paul II's extremely popular lecture series called...
“Do It Again, God!” – 2 Videos of Wonder Remind Us That Life Should Never Be Boring
"Do it again, God!" Would that every routine, mundane, taken-for-granted tidbit of reality were replete with the wonder of the first time! The great G.K. Chesterton seemed to live by this philosophy, and he has such a knack for helping us all remember: “Because...
Struggling To Feel Joyful? Pope Benedict Identified One Unusual Reason Why
I sometimes think that Lent is a little easier to live out than Eastertide is, perhaps because we are so much more familiar with suffering than we are with joy. We’ve all experienced suffering, probably more than we wanted to, but joy doesn’t seem to be as obvious in...
As We Bask In Glory, Will The World Still See The Cross?
A reading from the holy Gospel according to John 20:1-9 On the first day of the week, Remember, before Christianity, Sunday was the first day of the work week. Imagine that you are like the disciples, concerned about the Lord, but all around you everyone is going...
5 Blesseds Every Catholic (Especially Young People) Should Get To Know
How often have you met a young adult and thought “Wow, they are so holy”... or looked to them as an inspiration and example for your own faith? Teens and young adults, especially those in high school or college, are notoriously stereotyped as the opposite of saintly,...
Here’s The Nativity Play That We All Need To See This Christmas
This short video from Speak Life shares a brief but beautiful insight into the life of a mother and her daughter Leeva, who has Down’s syndrome. Leeva is taking part in a Nativity play, and all her cast-mates also have Down’s syndrome. It is explained that the play...
Coping With The Sting Of Death During A Season Of Joy
The death of a loved one leaves an indelible mark upon your heart, and forevermore there is something that you carry around with you; it can feel heavy, or dark, and it’s especially around festive periods that the loss can feel most prevalent. As families come...
5 Reasons Why I Used To Hate Advent And Why I Don’t Now
Growing up Catholic, Advent was always strictly observed in our home. We never skipped over it to start Christmas early. Though I had a good idea of the purpose of Advent- it being a time of preparation and prayer- I made my way though it grimly. I understood the head...
A Must See Tap Dance Duel Between Two Seminarians
The video shows Reverend David Rider, 29, of New York and Reverend John Gibson, 28, from Milwaukee, engaging in a bit of healthy competition and sharing their tapping talents during a fundraiser at the North American College (NAC), an American seminary in Rome, near...
7 Ways To Remind Yourself We’re Still Celebrating Easter
As I write this, we are approaching the 5th Sunday of Easter, meaning that we will now be breaking into the last weeks of Eastertide before Pentecost Sunday. Every Easter I have the same thought, usually at some point in the Easter Octave, once the drama and intensity...
10 Catholic Saint Quotes That Encourage Us To Reach For Heaven
If you are in need of reclaiming the spirit of joy, we suggest that you spend time in prayer thinking about Heaven. The promise of Heaven allows the power of the Victory of Christ's resurrection to come alive in our hearts. Jesus opened the doors for us to be with...