In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George to discuss the connection between our mental health and spirituality. Once again we have the tension to hold two seemingly conflicting things. As Catholics, we understand that the human person is a...
Jesus Christ
Olympics Injustice: How to Rightly Respond w/ Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George discuss the Olympics Opening Ceremony that depicted the Last Supper in a blasphemous way. Fr. George and Fr. Rob explore ways that we can respond to when an injustice occurs. Find the median between...
Easter is Not Just Another Day with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob discusses how Easter is more than just another day. Easter is the culmination of our faith. We should live "Easter" all the days of our lives. We do this through acts of mercy and charity. By living in this way,...
The Finale: Habemus Papam– Episode 265
Finale Recap 6: 264 Popes (for now). In this episode of Habemus Papam, Fr. Conrad recaps and reflects on all of the Habemus Papam podcast series. You can listen to the previous episode about Pope Francis: Our current successor of St. Peter, the first Pope from the New...
Christian Initiation with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discuss Christian initiation of adults at the Easter Vigil and Pentecost. Baptism is how Christians become adopted sons and daughters of God. To wait for the Easter Vigil or Pentecost for...
Drew and Katie – Eucharistic Revival w/ Sr Alicia Torres
Sister Alicia Torres of the Franciscans of the Eucharist of Chicago. She is on the executive board for the National Eucharistic Revival answers all this and more.
Drew and Katie – What is the Eucharist with Tim Glemkowski
What is the National Eucharistic Revival 2022? What does the Catholic Church believe about the Eucharist and how do I have an encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist? Tim Glemkowski the Executive Director for the National Eucharistic Congress 2024 answers all this and more.
8 Things The Name Of Jesus Is According To St. Bernardine
The Name Of Jesus: Refuge Of The Penitent Sinner The Name of Jesus is the refuge of the penitent sinner, a refuge full of meekness in which majesty effaces itself, tenderness becomes sweeter, Divine mercy appears in Its grandeur....
“Angels We Have Heard On High” As You’ve Never Heard It Before!
The event that we are about to celebrate brings not only joy to ourselves, but to the entire universe. As Catholics, and especially in the liturgy, we are invited to a cosmic celebration. What are we celebrating? Two "yes"s; that is, first, God's "mankind" in...
Is There More To Life Than Your #Goals?
Life is never stagnant. It moves us, even without our consent. But where are you going? What are you looking for? This video brings these questions, deeply rooted in our hearts, again to the surface. This video reminded me of the countless times in my life where I...
Interview With Bono: “Jesus Was Either The Son Of God Or Nuts!”
Our model is Jesus Christ and we discover paradigmatic examples in the lives of the saint. Period. When we speak about the conversion or faith of famous people, we are in no way affirming them as models of Christian life. Human beings that are still walking the walk...
What Is The Magnitude Of God’s Love On The Cross?
Our friends at Outside da Box and Likability have once again produced an excellent video in service of the faith. "That 1 Day" helps us to understand why that fateful day so many years ago, the day in which a supposedly ordinary man died as a criminal, is so important...
Holy Week Explained In 2 Minutes!
Today's video offers a brief and condensed explanation of Holy Week, a time in the liturgical calendar very rich in meaning and symbols. It is important that we continue to deepen the meaning and the reality behind these symbols. This Holy Week, we are invited to...
The More I Try The Worse It Gets: How Sin Is Unlike Any Other Problem
Today’s video is an excellent production by CRU Global. It’s a flying 4 minutes that leads us through a series of metaphors that represent the basic stages of salvation history: creation, the fall, Christ’s coming and Resurrection, and our salvation. I find the...
Our Culture Has No Idea How Much God Loves Us Because We No Longer Understand the Definition of Love
Call everything “special,” and shortly it will begin to mean “ordinary.” Say that you love everything, and soon people will believe that you really love nothing. But does it really matter what you call things? What changes in the end? An interesting exercise is...
Saint John Paul II Singing Dynamite: “Perhaps I Love You More”
When I saw this video, I couldn't help but smile. It is an extremely creative and fun "remix" of a few words of our beloved Saint John Paul II. They are words full of vitality and truth that point us to Jesus Christ. Still, it is the joy, the conviction, and the love...