Be aware. Understand. Take action. These three steps are the fundamental message of St. Ignatius’ 14 Rules for Discernment of Spirits. First, we must become aware of what is happening in our spiritual lives, specifically, where we are in relation to God and what...
Ignatian Spiritual Exercise
8 Rules For The Discernment Of Spirits
Fr. Ian presents a gospel reflection and spiritual exercises on the Gospel reading options for Easter ( 20:1-9, Mk. 16:1-7, and Lk. 24:13-35). Using the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, we examine how to discern between authentic feelings of consolation and the ego traps...
How To Pray With Your Imagination On The Epiphany
How to Pray with Your Imagination on Epiphany 2 Spiritual Exercises to let the light of Christ shine and break into our darkness 1. Imagine the vivid scene of clouds and darkness, pierced by light. Using especially this week's first Mass...
The Immigration Issue: How to Discern Amidst Controversy
How do we approach controversial political issues from a Catholic perspective, especially ones as charged as immigration? Discerning what we're called to do as faithful Catholics is not always easy, and the Church is called to inform consciences but not replace them....