Some time ago I wrote Part One of this article and then promised a Part Two. I stalled on writing the second part, and for that I’m sorry. I hope this follow up has been worth the wait. Identifying with the Elder Son in the parable of the Prodigal Son is a very real...
7 Quotes That Show Humor Is Essential To Our Faith
I love this quote below from Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. It actually alludes to humor and faith together, which is a little unusual. But more than that, it places humor correctly where it belongs in our faith. We often think of humor at odds with such a thing as...
Three Questions Catholics Should Ask Before Telling A Joke
Maybe you’re the class clown, storyteller, or the dry humor sort. We all have our own taste in humor. I admit that lately I have favored “punny” jokes. Guess how many people laugh at my Catholic jokes? ...Nun. Whichever flavor of humor you enjoy the most, when you...