In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Conrad talks about all things baseball as related to the Faith with special guest, Ed Condon, D.C. Bureau Chief for Catholic News Agency. Baseball is the National Pass Time, where people go to engage in leisure in the...
What Does It Mean To Be Human? Theology Of The Body VS A.I.
Recently, a student showed me the days-long conversation she’d been having with her Snapchat A.I. assistant. She felt ambivalence about how “creepy” it was, but she couldn’t stop engaging with it. No matter what she asked, a reply instantly blinked onscreen. Yet it...
Sacred Heart of Jesus and Jansenism with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George discuss the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. And how it combats the heresy of Jansenism. Jansenism began in the early 17th century and emphasizes our sinfulness and imperfection over the free...