This week I had the opportunity to attend a screening of the movie "Priceless" which is being released in the United States today. Priceless is a powerful drama that tells the heroic story of a man, James Stevens, who suddenly finds himself stuck in the middle of a...
human trafficking
The Relation Between Porn and Human Trafficking: How Many Clicks Does It Take To Enslave Her?
Today’s video brings to light a horrifying and saddening subject, and it's high time more of us speak out against it. Indeed, it's hard to figure why, when every other cause and issue seems to take up residence in our collective awareness, our society is reluctant to...
Slavery: It’s right On Your Doorstep
A quick internet search will show that Pope Francis has spoken about human trafficking frequently and regularly since he was elected, but what is human trafficking and what is the big deal? This selection of videos gives some more insight into the issue. The United...
Pope Francis And The Scourge Of Human Trafficking
The video we see portrays the internal struggle of a family who is unable to provide for all of their children. Seeing that they do not have enough food in order to feed each of their three girls, the family makes the painful decision to abandon their youngest...