“What are girls made of?” That’s the question this Nike commercial asks. “Made of flowers and rings, gossip and marmalade, that is what our girls are made of,” is the response in a traditional song that the young girl in the ad responds with. The audience nods...
8 Reasons Why #Adulting Is Actually Pretty Awesome!
Millennials! I don’t know about you, but as a young person, all the argument about whether millennials are the most spoilt, snowflake generation yet gets boring after a while. So when my (older) friend shared the “THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT’S WRONG WITH THIS GENERATION!”...
The 6 Battles Of Youth That Adults Must Not Forget
Life passes quickly. One moment you are twelve years old playing in the street, and today you are an adult, 40 years old. What happened to your youthful aspirations, your dreams and your ideals? Though you remember them, do you maintain them? Have you gone through...
Stand by me (1986)
Stand by me is a beautiful, nostalgic production based on a Stephen King novella. The story is told through flashbacks in which the main character, Gordie, a writer, recalls the far off summer of 1959 when he was 12 years old. Hearing of the death of another...