We sometimes wonder why our prayers are not answered in the way that we hope. And often, we will never know because there are so many variables, including the fact that we may actually be asking God for something that’s not good for us in the long run. Or we may be...
Fr. Rob – Trying Something New
In this Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob shares his thoughts about adding something new to his podcast and where he found inspiration for his show.
Easter Sunday Gospel Reflection
Gospel Of John 20:1-9 On the first day of the week,Mary of Magdala came to the tomb early in the morning,while it was still dark,and saw the stone removed from the tomb.So she ran and went to Simon Peterand to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, and told them,“They...
The Special Virtue Of Thankfulness
The Virtue of Thankfulness: Simply Justice or Piety? The act of gratitude or being thankful is something which is seen as important both in the Church and in the broader human family. Gratitude is universally important for human relationships to flourish. Who wants to...
7 Ways To Give Thanks After An Answered Prayer
There are wonderful times in our lives when God answers a prayer. Maybe it is something we have been praying for years; maybe it is something we never thought would be answered. Maybe the answer was beyond our wildest dreams, better than we ever could have imagined....
Is Your Life Bearing Fruit? An Examination of Conscience
Are you bearing fruit? Seeing our own limitations, forming and examining our conscience, and connecting with God's mercy is something that takes deliberate and intentional work, in cooperation with the Holy Spirit and thanks to the insights of the saints who've gone...
15 Quotes That Are Perfect For Thanksgiving!
Gratitude is one of the most underrated virtues. It’s so often misconstrued as false enthusiasm, naivety or new-age positivity. It’s not. To be grateful takes strength to see beyond our own egos. If we concentrate only on what is negative in our lives, we forget the...
7 Spiritual Ideas To Replace The Typical New Year’s Superstitions
The New Year, as a celebration, is a strange thing, nice, but strange. The tenderness, peace, and quiet lived during Christmas, just a few days ago, suddenly gives way to culinary and ethylic creativity, accompanied with gladness and parties that go well into the...
The Biblical Image Of The Leper And What It Means For Us | Catholic Bible Study
As Jesus continued his journey to Jerusalem, he traveled through Samaria and Galilee. As he was entering a village, ten lepers met him. They stood at a distance from him and raised their voices, saying, “Jesus, Master! Have pity on us! And when he saw them, he said,...
What Are Kids Most Thankful For? We Asked Them And They Taught Us A Lot
We asked children to share with us what they are most thankful for this year. The answers will make you smile, laugh, and even tear up. Jesus reminds us, "...unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven" in...
Quotes From Saints Who Have No Reason To Be Thankful (but found one anyway)
This time of year, throughout the holiday season, we tend to hear a lot about the importance of being thankful. Some of us may ask, though, what about those moments or seasons in life when we just don’t feel like we have anything to be grateful for? Often our trials...
What if Everything You Thought about Stress is Wrong? What if Stress is your Friend?
Stress kills. Stress makes you ill. Stress, it turns out, only does this if you actually think it’s going to. Stress almost doubles your chances of dying but only if you think that it’s going to. I am a stressy person, and I am not alone: a 2013 survey by the Mental...
The Most Overlooked Ingredient For Happiness: Gratitude
"The Science of Happiness- An Experiment in Gratitude" is a video produced by Soul Pancake. It looks to pose one of the most important questions we can ask: What makes you happy? How often, when asking someone what makes them happy, have you heard them list...
Gratitude: A project to reach happiness?
We're taking advantage of the start of this new year to share a very fitting video. It is of a TED Talk (TED is a not for profit which is dedicated to “Ideas worth spreading”) which takes place in San Francisco. The theme is a project called “Happiness Revealed”. ...