In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George to discuss reflection and contemplation upon God's work throughout the past day. In the Nativity story, we hear that Mary pondered the first Christmas in her heart. Fr. Rob and Fr. George call us to...
God’s Will
How Do I Know What God’s Will Is When Both Choices Are Good Things?
Every day, we face numerous choices, many of eternal consequences. When our hearts and minds are ordered toward God, these choices are usually between two goods. We could read to our children, or pray the rosary. We could spend Saturday afternoon...
Class of 2020 This Is Your Time
"The road may not be the direct route you were hoping for, but direct routes are rarely fulfilling or transformative. God thinks too highly of you to rush the divine work he is doing in your life." Read the full letter here. Use this video to start discussion with the...
Do You Really Know What The “Serenity Prayer” Means?
The Skit Guys break down the meaning of the "Serenity Prayer" in this hilarious, yet insightful video. Chances are good that you've seen this prayer floating around the internet and have maybe even prayed it yourself. The prayer has become widely known because it is...
Dr. Martin Luther King’s Advice For Designing Your Life’s Blueprint
In this video, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr gives some exceptional advice on how to create a blueprint for your life. "The end of life is not to be happy, nor to achieve pleasure and avoid pain, but to do the will of God, come what may." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. How...
Is There More To Life Than Your #Goals?
Life is never stagnant. It moves us, even without our consent. But where are you going? What are you looking for? This video brings these questions, deeply rooted in our hearts, again to the surface. This video reminded me of the countless times in my life where I...