In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George discuss the Solemnity of Pentecost. The gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost gave the Apostles and other disciples new courage. Famously, all the Jews from around the known world understood the...
How To Find A Christmas Gift For Your Priest
Question: What do you give to the one who has everything, needs nothing, and always gives more than he gets? Answer: That One can only be God. For everyone else, we should give whatever helps lead a person to God. It may be that Christmas is being corrupted with...
Why Loving Our Enemies Is Actually Good For Us
Gospel of Luke 6:27-38 Jesus said to his disciples:“To you who hear I say,love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.To the person who strikes you on one cheek,offer the other one as well,and from the...
Best Catholic Gifts For Kids Gift
The Christmas season can be a tough time of year for Catholic parents. It's difficult to avoid the materialism and consumerism that surrounds this holiday. If you're looking to keep the focus on Christ, consider buying Catholic gifts for your child. The gifts on our...
Over 115 Of The Best Catholic Gifts
We've compiled ALL of our favorite Catholic gifts for this year into one guide! This year we will select five of our email subscribers to win each category of gifts. If you're not a subscriber, click here to make sure you have a chance to win. We thank each of these...
50+ Of The Best Catholic Gifts
Enter Giveaway Here! ( a Rafflecopter giveaway It's time for our favorite Catholic Gifts Giveaway of the year at! It is such a joy to work with each of these faith-filled small businesses and share their amazing Catholic gifts with our...
A Few Of Our Favorite Catholic Valentine’s Gifts
What will you buy your Catholic Valentine? Here are a few of our favorite things... Sock Religious FREE! Catholic Valentine's Day Cards From Be A Heart Custom Journaling Bible Gethsemani Farms - Chocolate MIRACULOUS SLIDER BRASS | Telos ARt Little Catholic Box...
The Ultimate Catholic Gift Guide
Catholic-Link is pleased to present the Ultimate Catholic Gift Guide and GIVEAWAY for another year. This list is better than ever before. Some of our classic favorites are back...because you can't go wrong with AMAZING...and we've added new ideas too. The best part?!...
Get Rid Of “Elf On The Shelf” And Try These Christ-Centered Alternatives Instead!
It's no secret that I'm not a Pinterest kind of mom. Any craft or project I try usually ends up as a complete fail. Maybe I'm slightly bitter about my horrible creative skills and that's why I've never been able to fully get behind the "Elf on the Shelf" craze, but I...
Chastity Within Marriage | Part 2: Living Conjugal Chastity
Authentic sexual expression is always rooted in two purposes: procreative and unitive. The procreative aspect of sex is the couple’s openness to life. The unitive is the fulfillment of the one-flesh union of man and woman within the context of marriage. If the...
Christmas Gift Ideas For The Priest Or Seminarian In Your Life!
We know we can always count on our priests to be present at Mass and all the liturgical celebrations around the holidays. We watch the deacon assist during sacraments and parish life. We proudly acknowledge the hard work and preparation seminarians undergo for the...
The Best Catholic Gift Guide: 45 Ideas For All Occasions And Ages!
This time of year is when many people start frantically searching for the perfect gift for every person on their list. It can be overwhelming, time-consuming, and draining. Many times we lose the joy and peace that comes with Christmas because we are so worried about...
#OCCUPY VINEYARD? The Madness of Thinking We Can Possess the Vineyard (Gospel Reflection)
One of the best ways to enrich your experience at Sunday Mass is to pray the Mass Readings personally and to meditate on a Gospel reflection. A great way of doing this is using the technique of Lectio Divina, a powerful method which we explain here. The following is...
15 Quotes That Are Perfect For Thanksgiving!
Gratitude is one of the most underrated virtues. It’s so often misconstrued as false enthusiasm, naivety or new-age positivity. It’s not. To be grateful takes strength to see beyond our own egos. If we concentrate only on what is negative in our lives, we forget the...
3 Christmas Gift Ideas From the Heart Of A Seminarian
I love gifts. I love giving them, and I sure as heck love receiving them too. But a few years ago, I learned a lesson that gifts that come straight from one heart to another are treasured a lot more than what’s usually found under a Christmas tree (more on that...
How Refugees, A Carpenter, And The British Museum Will Teach You About Using Your Gifts
The British Museum, located in the heart of London, is home to more than 8 million objects of international historic and social importance. However, this story begins more than 1500 miles away from London, on the Italian island of Lampedusa. In 2013, on October 3rd,...
“The Butterfly Circus”: Why Our World Needs Wonder!
“What this world needs is a little wonder!” There are so many themes that can be unpacked from the short film, The Butterfly Circus, that it is hard to know where to begin, but maybe beginning with wonder is a start. Set in the era of the Great Depression, this short...
11 Amazing Products Made By Monks
When I started to prepare this article and wondered about what life in a monastery might be like, words like privacy, silence and solitude came to mind. So I took it upon myself to do a little research, and discovered that the life and work of a monk is far more...
15 Typical Excuses People Give For Not Going To Mass…And How To Respond!
It's all too easy to find some reason not to go to Mass. All of us probably have at least one good excuse that we could use to try to justify skipping Mass, but the Mass is the greatest gift that God has given to us. Today’s post takes a look at some of the...
5 Ways To Give Your Spouse The Best Gift Ever (Hint: It’s You!)
"Man finds himself when he makes himself a sincere gift." These are the words of wisdom given to us by Saint Pope John Paul II and reiterated by Leah Darrow in this promotional video for Beloved: Finding Happiness in Marriage. What is the best gift you can give your...
5 Ways Jesus Shows Us How To Be A Good Gift Giver
I recently spoke to a group of youth here in Italy and asked: "How long does the pleasure from getting something like a new iPhone last?" Surprisingly –or perhaps not– more than one (in different situations) responded: "2 weeks." How often is that we break our backs...