We live in charged times for dialogue, particularly around sexuality. It can feel like “truth” and “charity” are in a tug of war for our attention and application. We know LGBTQ concerns are more than just “issues” that show up in our news feeds. Many of us have...
A Conversation On Gender: Part 1 – Defining Our Terms
I think it is safe to say that we’ve all had conversations with people where both parties are clearly not on the same page. Sometimes, the differing stories involve differing definitions for terms. I had a philosophy professor who urged us to always define our terms...
12 Essential Keys To Help Christians Understand Same-Sex Attraction
Let’s start out by saying that when we talk about same-sex attraction, what’s important is acceptance and tolerance. We aren’t talking about “tolerating” others as if there was a fundamental distinction between them and us. We are only talking about us. For those who...
Does God Make People Gay? A Priest Responds
Does God make people gay? Due to some comments allegedly made by Pope Francis, this question is on many people's minds. Is our sexual attraction determined even before birth by our Creator or is it something we choose as a result of life's circumstances? Many...
10 Resources For Individuals And Families Dealing With Same-Sex Attraction
“Look at the face of the other.… Discover that he has a soul, a history, and a life, that he is a person, and that God loves this person.” - Benedict XVI One of the most important services we hope to render in our media ministry at Catholic-Link is to connect our...
Is Pope Francis Pushing a Gay Agenda In the Catholic Church? A Look at the Media’s (Mis)Interpretation of the Synod
any of the images below reflect ideologies driving the headlines that have been seen swirling around in various media outlets following a seemingly heavily controversial synod of bishops on the family. There seem to be back-and-forth arguments...
Longing for God: Three Homosexuals Share their Testimony about Returning to the Church
What more can I say about this extraordinary video, this moving “sincerity hour.” Perhaps it is enough to say that Perhaps it is enough to say that these testimonies deserve to be watched and listened to, above all for their sincerity. Here, we aren’t talking about...