The Skit Guys break down the meaning of the "Serenity Prayer" in this hilarious, yet insightful video. Chances are good that you've seen this prayer floating around the internet and have maybe even prayed it yourself. The prayer has become widely known because it is...
TXTMAS: What If The Angel Gabriel Sent His Messages Via Text?!
TXT Stories has created this cute video that imagines how things would have gone if the Angel Gabriel had communicated via text message. Of course, this isn't accurate, but it is funny, and it might be just the thing some of us need to take our minds off of Christmas...
10 Times Even People Who Aren’t Religious Start Praying
You might not be the type of person who prays every day, but I'm willing to bet that you've called out to God in a few of these situations. 10 Times Even People Who Aren't Religious Start Praying 10 Times Even People Who Aren't Religious Start Praying Some...
6 Surprising Things That Happen When You Decide To Embrace Silence
In the last few months I’ve really tried to embrace silence more often. To put my headphones down, turn off Netflix, logout of Instagram, and just be still. To pray more often, without distractions. To my surprise, it is not that easy. I don’t think I’m the only one...
25 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’re Catholic
Catholics have so many wonderful rituals and traditions that are rich with meaning, but to those who don't understand what we are doing, it might occasionally come across as a little bit odd. It isn't always obvious to the person observing our behavior that we do...
15 Real-life Examples Of How To “Offer It Up” (and the meaning behind the phrase)
"Oh, Caleb, just offer it up!" I've probably uttered this phrase in exasperation a few more times than necessary. It's my go-to line when my kids complain too much about anything from being hungry to physical ailments. I must be honest, though, I really have...
15 Typical Excuses People Give For Not Going To Mass…And How To Respond!
It's all too easy to find some reason not to go to Mass. All of us probably have at least one good excuse that we could use to try to justify skipping Mass, but the Mass is the greatest gift that God has given to us. Today’s post takes a look at some of the...
15 Things People Who Don’t Understand Catholicism Love To Say
With today's post, we would like to express our feelings of solidarity and friendship for all those Catholics in the world who time and time again have to listen and respond with charity to such a wide variety of questions, concerns or complaints about the Catholic...
Make Laughter A Common Place In Uncommon Places
Comedian Michael Jr. presents a video that outlines his overarching goal in his comedy career. He describes his big break that occurred when he began to do comedy for others and not for himself. Michael describes this change in his interior that transformed his...
“Another baby? What were you thinking!” Don’t miss this kid’s reaction to a new sibling!
saw this video and couldn't help but wonder if most people don't ask the same question that Andre did. "What were you thinking?!" Just ask Jim Gaffigan about the struggles of adding more and more (and more!) children into a family. We tend to put...
He paints himself purple on youtube and has almost 3.5 million views.
Admittedly funny, the absurdity of the fact that 3.5 million people (including myself) took the time to see this is quite surprising. I couldn't help but asking, "Why is the absurd and pointless so attractive?"...