Author’s note: Are you contemplating taking your own life? - Please call or text 988 before you do anything else! There is always hope and always a better life just around the corner! You are not alone. Death is a Part of Our Fallen Reality Human beings are no...
Four Last Things
Is Hell For Real?
Is Hell for Real? What kind of question is that? For those who embrace Catholicism, the answer is obvious: “yes.” But for a good portion of the Catholic world, the question smacks of medieval irrelevance. When is the last time...
Death, Judgment, Heaven & Hell: How Not To Ignore The Inevitable
I have some news for you. You’re going to die. We all are--not now, maybe, not in the near future, but one day, all of us will physically cease to be. This isn’t meant to be depressing or frightening; it is a condition of life that it must cease, or otherwise it isn’t...