In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discuss how the season of Advent is a preparation to celebrate the birth of Christ. One means of preparation for the Solemnity could be to practice fasting. Fr. Rob makes the distinction...
Strengthen Your Will— Fast
Is there something wrong with your life? Maybe something is missing. Maybe you’re depressed. Maybe you’re overwhelmed. Maybe you’re trapped by compulsive behavior. Maybe there’s a particular sin you haven’t been able to overcome no matter how hard you’ve tried? Maybe...
The Power Of A Shared Meal: Faith And Family Come Together When We Break Bread
Those who know me will often hear me speak about “family, faith, and food,” when describing the things which I hold most dear. Some may say that this is more rooted in my culture as an Italian-American than it is in the foundations of my Catholicism, but I don’t agree...
3 Tips To Make Celebrating Feast Days Easier
One of the joys of the Catholic faith is the celebration of feast days! There are so many to choose from, each with their own traditions and unique foods. Yet, if you're not a "Pinterest Perfect" type of person, feast days can present a problem. The pressure to create...
10 Ideas To Make Feeding The Hungry An Act Of Mercy
Recently, my parents and I were away for the weekend for vacation. When we walked into our house Sunday afternoon, it smelled horrible in our kitchen. There was a strange pool of liquid, and I saw pinkish-red splatter all over the sticky floor. While we stared at the...
11 Amazing Products Made By Monks
When I started to prepare this article and wondered about what life in a monastery might be like, words like privacy, silence and solitude came to mind. So I took it upon myself to do a little research, and discovered that the life and work of a monk is far more...
Eating Your Feelings? 4 Healthier Ways To Deal With Emotions
Although eating snacks can be a very healthy part of one’s diet, it can become problematic when we use snacks and food to bury our emotions. Since we are a unity of mind, body and spirit, as St. Paul affirms in (1Tess 5:23), it is natural when we feel something on the...
Hunger for Authenticity: “Cultivate a Better World”
An impressive ad for their new game released, Chipotle’s Scarecrow depicts the story of a Scarecrow whose mission is to “rescue the City of Plenty from Crow Foods, the powerful industrial food corporation that has taken over the city. Tilt and tap your way through...