The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Most Holy Virgin is a day of joy: our Mother is elevated to the heavens. God has triumphed. Love has triumphed. Life has triumphed. It has become evident that love is stronger than death, that God possesses true strength, and His...
Feast of the Assumption
Learn To Rely On God By Observing St. Michael’s Lent
Increased attacks on Catholic churches in Europe, the US, and South America; growing political tensions; and abortion still considered healthcare are enough to prove the spiritual battle is intensifying. And, when you add on a growing pandemic and horrific accidents...
Mary’s Lent? Find Out About The Dormition Fast
Full of Grace In the first chapter of the Gospel of St. Luke, we hear that the Blessed Virgin Mary is to be the Mother of God. The Angel Gabriel greets Mary with a strange greeting. The angel says, recorded in the Greek, “Chaire, Kecharitomene… (Lk. 1:38).” St. Jerome...