In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discuss how the season of Advent is a preparation to celebrate the birth of Christ. One means of preparation for the Solemnity could be to practice fasting. Fr. Rob makes the distinction...
Lent as Preparation for Heaven with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discuss a brief history of Lent. So, how we should not only think of Lent as a time for penance. But also think of Lent as a preparation in the Heavenly mysteries. Originally the 40 day fast...
Penance as Reparation for Sins with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discuss why, even after we've confessed our sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, it is encouraged to perform acts of penance as a means of repairing the broken relationship with God and...
Strengthen Your Will— Fast
Is there something wrong with your life? Maybe something is missing. Maybe you’re depressed. Maybe you’re overwhelmed. Maybe you’re trapped by compulsive behavior. Maybe there’s a particular sin you haven’t been able to overcome no matter how hard you’ve tried? Maybe...
Fr. Rob – Fasting with Fr. Justin Rose
Fr. Rob interviews Fr. Justin Rose about fasting, its importance and significance, especially in the Byzantine Rites.
Why Every Friday Is Like A Mini Good Friday
What is Good Friday? Good Friday is the second day of the Sacred Triduum, in between Holy Thursday and Easter Vigil. Good Friday is the commemoration of the passion and death of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary. It is always three days before Easter, which marks...
3 Easy Lent Recipes To Help You Fast On Ash Wednesday| The Lenten Cookbook
This Lent move beyond attending fish frys, making tuna fish casserole, and ordering cheese pizza! We have some Lent recipes to help you maintain your energy levels while you fast. Before you head to the kitchen, spend time reflecting on these insightful words about...
Struggling With Fasting? These Resources Will Help
Fasting is a powerful and beautiful way of living out penance and self-denial, both important aspects of the Christian life. Scripture affirms the importance of this form of sacrifice and prayer, “Even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all...
7 Things To Do To Distract Yourself When You’re Tempted To Break Your Lenten Fast
I distinctly remember grade school lunches on Fridays. They were conveniently meatless. Then in high school, when Lent arrived, as I bit into my chicken sandwich, I looked up at my other Catholic friend at our table. We realized it was Lent, and we spit out our bite...
“The Skinny On Fasting” – A Funny Video On A Serious Christian Discipline
Have you been fasting this Lent? Sure, it's a struggle, but this ancient, scriptural, necessary Christian discipline is something Jesus expected and which Catholics for hundreds of years took as a given. (Check out our Illustrated Guide to Fasting) You're not supposed...
Everyone Can Do This For 40 Seconds A Day Over The Next 40 Days
"For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” - Matthew 17:20 At the beginning of Lent, we often make the mistake of trying...
7 Ways To Do Lent That Do Not Involve Food
If changing your diet or giving up some item of food is not possible for you this Lent, read on to find out seven creative and challenging ways that will allow you to still partake in Lent! 7 Ways To Do Lent That Don't Involve Food 1. Get Creative For God Paint a...
39 Things 18-39 Year-Olds Should Consider Giving Up For Lent
Pete Burak, director of i.d.916 gives a quick rundown of some creative ideas for young adults to think about giving up this Lent. The suggestions to give up eye-rolling, extra guac, and not finishing a book spoke directly to my heart! Which ideas will inspire...
QUIZ: Is It Time To Give Up Dating?
Our culture sends us so many messages about who we should date, how we should date, and why we should date that it can be difficult to find the truth for ourselves. Once we enter the dating scene, we quickly find out that dating and relationships aren't always as...
Why Do We Practice Fasting And Abstinence?An Illustrated Guide
Before we even start talking about fasting or abstinence, let's say something obvious: none of this makes sense outside the logic of faith. There are certainly psychological benefits and ways of explaining the cultural or social reasons for fasting and such, but...