In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George to discuss why they produce a Catholic podcast. There are so many Catholic podcasts to choose from. Fr. Rob and Fr. George take a unique perspective on their podcast to provide listeners a fresh...
Are All Religions Pathways to God? with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George discuss the recent comment of Pope Francis that says that all religions are pathways to God. Some people were upset at this comment, but fail to recognize the tradition of the Catholic Church in this...
Baseball, Tradition, and Faith: A Throwback
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Conrad talks about all things baseball as related to the Faith with special guest, Ed Condon, D.C. Bureau Chief for Catholic News Agency. Baseball is the National Pass Time, where people go to engage in leisure in the...
3 Tips For Talking To Your Protestant Family Members
You’re sitting down for your family Thanksgiving meal. All of your brothers and sisters and some aunts and uncles and cousins have gathered together at mom and dad’s house for this annual feast. You’ve been looking forward to this for weeks. But,...
Alexander VIII: Habemus Papam – Episode 239
Alexander VIII: Nepotism comes back big, for a little while. In this episode of Habemus Papam, Fr. Conrad discusses Alexander VIII, who succeeded Blessed Innocent XI–The only "Blessed" Pope between St. Pius V and St. Pius X, the siege of Vienna, and the continued...
Fr. Rob – School of Faith
Fr. Rob is joined by Dr. Mike Scherschligt, President and Founder of Holy Family School of Faith who lead people to a relationship with Christ and the Holy Family through the Rosary.
The Power Of A Shared Meal: Faith And Family Come Together When We Break Bread
Those who know me will often hear me speak about “family, faith, and food,” when describing the things which I hold most dear. Some may say that this is more rooted in my culture as an Italian-American than it is in the foundations of my Catholicism, but I don’t agree...
9 (Easy To Understand!) Quotes From Pope Benedict XVI’s Encyclicals That Teach Us To Love, Hope, And Trust
CARITAS IN VERITATE | June 29, 2009 Each person finds his good by adherence to God's plan for him, in order to realize it fully: in this plan, he finds his truth, and through adherence to this truth he becomes free (cf. Jn 8:32). Pope Benedict XVI Without God...
How Important Is The Catechism To The Catholic Church?
Something deeply rooted in human nature pushes us to seek understanding. We want to know why we exist, how we find happiness, and what happens when we die. St. Augustine understood that the answer to our questions lies in God. He believed faith in God brings a...
Can My Neurodivergent Daughter Have A Relationship With God?
I often wonder how God is interacting with my autistic daughter. Everyone’s inner relationship with God is to some extent secret, but for many we have learned to recognize the imprint of the Spirit on a person. Indeed, we have a very convenient list of such...
Our Journey Of Healing Will Not Be Over Until We Are In Heaven
Gospel Of Luke 17:5-10 The apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith."The Lord replied,"If you have faith the size of a mustard seed,you would say to this mulberry tree,'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it would obey you."Who among you would say to your...
Can The Holy Spirit Ask Us To Be Illogical?
Are Faith and Reason Compatible? A friend recently asked me a great question. Should decisions we make be made on faith alone or should we have faith and use reasoning. Put another way, could the Holy Spirit point us in a direction which seems like a logically poor...
What Is The Universal Call To Holiness And Why Should You Care?
Thirst and Perfection God thirsts for you. He desires you and He loves you. This thirst is universal and extends to every beloved created person. The Church shows forth this love of God for us and beckons us to be like Him. Regardless of our own state in life, our...
How St. Albert The Great Integrated Religion And Science
Who Is Albertus Magnus? One of the greatest saints in the History of the intellectual tradition of the Church is St. Thomas Aquinas. The Angelic Doctor, however, did not arise from a vacuum. Even the greatest teachers once had great teachers. The most famous teacher...
Don’t Overlook The Importance Of A Child’s Imagination When Teaching The Faith
What if? Every movie, book, or play sees its genesis when someone somewhere utters those two words: what if? What if a mammoth shark terrorizes a beach community? What if a boy befriends a stranded extraterrestrial and works to help the being return home? What...
Every Kind Of Suffering Is An Invitation From God
When we suffer in any way, it is normal to ask why. Why does this have to happen? Why would God allow this? In some of our worst moments of suffering, it can feel not only like God is not present, but that he is very far away. We feel abandoned and betrayed. We get...
4 Olympic Athletes Who Ask The Blessed Mother For Help
By now, you've probably been drawn into the competition, the passion, and the excitement of the Summer Olympics taking place in Toyko. The athletes are an inspiration to all as they give everything they have to the sport that they have spent many hours perfecting....
How God Worked Through My Battle Against COVID
How many of the people that you know, who contracted COVID, are grateful that they got it? I know of no one, other than myself. I contracted COVID-19 and went on an intense and crazy journey. Watch this video interview of my discussion with Drew and Katie Taylor to...
Through The Eyes Of A Child | Fr. Boniface Hicks Quote
Through The Eyes Of A Child And The Heart Of St. Joseph More Resources On St. Joseph Drew and Katie Taylor sit down with Father Boniface Hicks, OSB to discuss Fr Boniface's book Through the...
5 Ways Tolkien’s Home And Faith Inspired His Fiction
When the house in which J.R.R. Tolkien wrote The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit came up for sale, we decided it would be a good adventure to try to buy it with the support of his global fanbase. The aim is to turn it into the first literary centre in honour of the...
The Example Of Saints In Times Of Trial: A Priest, A Lay Man, And A Pope
FAITH IN TIME OF WAR, Servant of God Emil Kapaun: Fr. Emil Kapaun’s cause for canonization is proceeding forward, and he is currently recognized by the Church with the title: Servant of God. He was a priest and chaplain in the United States Army during the Second...
How Long O Lord | Liturgy Live
This week on the podcast we talk about the need for increase of faith. In the first reading we hear the cry of the Prophet Habakkuk that is also echoed in Psalm 13. This cry is followed by the response of the Lord to be patient and have hope for the coming fulfilment....
Are You Ready To Play This “Uno-style” Card Game With A Catholic Twist?
Most families enjoy playing the classic card game Uno, which is why we were so excited when we stumbled upon this Kickstarter campaign for a Catholic version of this great game! Check out Unus Deus:...
Hope And Despair In Lord of The Rings: The Choice Facing Catholic Men Today
It has become an annual Christmas ritual that my wife and children sit down and watch the whole extended version of The Lord of the Rings. Hot chocolate, Christmas nibbles, dressing gowns, and slippers – for about three days! I like the films but grew up with the...
An Entire RCIA Program Available FREE! So Many Uses For This Great Resource
I've often wished that I could take part in an RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) program so that I could learn more about the faith. Of course, I probably heard most of the things they discuss in my years spent in Catholic grade school, high school, and...