Should Catholics do yoga? This is a hotly debated question that provokes a wide variety of answers, ranging from people who are unconvinced that Christians have any worries whatsoever to those who are concerned that specific movements may open a door to the demonic....
Top 3 Ways Catholics Can Start Improving Their Mental And Physical Health Today
Health and soundness are better than all gold, and a robust body than countless riches. Sirach 30:15 St. Paul made clear that our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 3:16 -1 7; 6:19 – 20), and St. Thomas elaborated in his great Summa Theologica that...
Spiritual Training: A Workout For Your Soul
When I first heard Matthew Kelly state, "Our lives change when our habits change," it rang so true in my heart. In fact, looking back those words rang true in regards to all of my life experiences. In school, if I wanted to get an A on the test, I put in the...
How Fitness Affects Our Spiritual Lives
Show me a Catholic who doesn’t exercise and I’ll show you a person who wished they lived life more fully integrated with a strong and stable connection in body and soul. Because of the intricate fusion of such, we have not only the right but this duty by which to...
A Step By Step Guide To Detoxing Your Soul
Many of us would sooner eat a kale smoothie than go to Confession. Why? Because we value physical health, the kind of health that everyone can see, over spiritual health, which often involves admitting we did something wrong and need to change our habits or attitude....
God and the Gym (Part 4): No Pain, No Gain
Today we present the final installment of our God and the Gym series, a poetic reflection on rigorous fitness, physical suffering, Catholic spirituality, and the redemption of the Cross of Jesus Christ. God and the Gym: No Pain, No Gain Read parts 1 -3 of this series:...
God And The Gym: Unity And Community (Part 3)
I want to develop the theme of unity of body and soul, introduced at the end of my last article on God and the Gym. Here’s what the Catechism has to say about it: Man, though made of body and soul, is a unity. … For this reason, man may not despise his bodily life....
False Starts And New Resolutions | God And The Gym Part 2
To begin is for everyone. To persevere is for saints. ~ St. Josemaria Escriva An active physical life and an active spiritual life – both are so desirable yet can seem so unobtainable. We often think they’ll magically transpire just because we want them to but,...
5 Things Every Catholic Athlete Should Be Doing
Being involved in sports can help us to obtain virtues - self-control, perseverance, integrity and many more. We learn what it means to be a part of a team and how to work together to use our gifts and the gifts of others to obtain the prize. We set goals for...
Eating Your Feelings? 4 Healthier Ways To Deal With Emotions
Although eating snacks can be a very healthy part of one’s diet, it can become problematic when we use snacks and food to bury our emotions. Since we are a unity of mind, body and spirit, as St. Paul affirms in (1Tess 5:23), it is natural when we feel something on the...
Why “I Don’t Have Time” Is Never A Good Excuse
What if I told you that there was something you could do which was so amazing it would change your life and that, what’s more, it wouldn’t cost you a penny? Something which would involve making the best friend you could ever have, something that would give you more...