C.S. Lewis once warned that “there are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them” (The Screwtape Letters, 9)....
Crushing The Head Of The Serpent
There is a history of women crushing heads in the Bible, and Mary is included. Intrigued? Tune in to learn more.
Can Catholics Use Tarot Cards? An Exorcist Shares What You Need To Know
Let us first look at scripture, the place a Christian must start. In the Old Testament we find “Let there not be found among you anyone who causes their son or daughter to pass through the fire, or practices divination, or is a soothsayer, augur, or sorcerer, or...
Is Hell For Real?
Is Hell for Real? What kind of question is that? For those who embrace Catholicism, the answer is obvious: “yes.” But for a good portion of the Catholic world, the question smacks of medieval irrelevance. When is the last time...
The ABCs And 123s Of Catholic School Safety
With the new school year in session nationwide, our Catholic Schools find themselves balancing the challenges of returning to a “normal” school year while remaining mindful of new instructional methods and ever-changing mask and distance mandates. Yet another...
Is God Good? | Catholic-Link.org
A simple kinetic type animation that responds to the questions, "Is God Good? If He is, Why Does Evil Exist in the World?" Is God Good? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rfd_1UAjeIA&hd=1 "God judged it better to bring good out of evil than to suffer no evil to...
What Is The Principle of Double Effect?
Basis of Moral Theology – Object, Intention, and Circumstance Human acts are freely chosen because God has given us the gift of freedom. When we act deliberately, we are the author of our actions. If we act, then those actions can be morally evaluated as good or evil....
The Spiritual Battle: How Satan Tempts Us And What We Can Do To Resist
St. Peter, in his first encyclical letter, says, “Be sober, be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour (1 Pt 5:8).” From the beginning, the Apostle knew well that the Enemy was on the prowl and ready to construct...
Why Catholics Not Only Can Be, But *Should Be* Judgmental
One of the great Catholic writers of the last century, G.K. Chesterton, poured out ink (by pen and typewriter and secretary) at a level hardly matched before or since. He wrote novels, biographies, essays, editorials, non-fiction books on philosophy and apologetics,...
Are You A Good Person? Is That Enough?
You probably care a lot about your family and friends. You would most likely open the door for a stranger. Perhaps, you even donate money to help the poor. But, are you a good person? Are these the things that make a person "good"? This thought-provoking video simply...
QUIZ: What Should You Be For Halloween? (And One Thing You Shouldn’t Be)
It's that time of year again in which we are bombarded with Halloween costume ideas. Everyone is looking for the most creative, clever, and unique costume idea to show off to their friends and neighbors. We've decided to join in the fun, so we've created a personality...
7 Truths About Exorcism And Exorcists
Frequently, while watching TV or when we go to the movies, we find that many of the stories told have as a protagonist the devil. There are diverse opinions about it: some believe that these stories are the result of old fashioned ideas from the past, which Hollywood...
3 Movies About The Existence Of the Devil (Especially for Nonbelievers)
It is said that one of the best strategies of the devil is to make us believe that he doesn’t exist… and it seems to be working great. I have often found people that tell me: “I don't believe in hell… to me, the devil doesn’t exist. God is too good to create a place...
The 5 Necessary Spiritual Steps You Need To Take After You Sin
This is a matter we seldom talk about with clarity, I don’t know exactly why. My impression is that we talk a lot about sin in an abstract way, or using an academic-theological terminology that the common Christian doesn’t always understand. Nevertheless, we are...
5 Things To Do When God’s Plan For You Doesn’t Make Sense
There are times when life just doesn't make sense at all. It's a total mystery why God would ask us to go through trials, tragedies, and suffering. During these dark seasons of life, it can be tempting to turn to despair and become angry with God and His plan for our...
The One Thing That May Be Holding Your Life Back | Luke 13:1-9
One of the best ways to enrich your experience at Sunday Mass is to pray the gospel reading personally. A great way of doing this is using the “Lectio Divina”; this is a powerful method which we explain here. The following is the Sunday gospel reading with a...
“You will not have my hatred.” Letter to a Terrorist from a Man who Lost his Wife in The Attacks on Paris
There are times when the enormity of a situation and the emotions within it are so huge that it feels impossible to respond with words that are adequate. The attacks in Paris have been one such time when words have come with difficulty, especially when the attacks...
6 Steps Of Temptation That Neither Adam Nor Eve, Nor You Or I Completely Understand
Evil. What is the source of evil? For some, the answer is simple: the source of evil is the devil. For others, the answer focuses on the human being: we are evil by nature. Is our flesh what makes us sin? Deepening a little bit, it would be a mistake to think that our...
Do You Think This Boy Will Slap A Girl When Told To?
"Slap Her" is a thought provoking viral video created by Fanpage.it in order to create awareness about domestic violence. The Italian news organization took to the streets of Italy to ask a few boys ages 7-11 years old questions about themselves and then introduce...
How Will This Man Respond When His Dentist Tells Him God Doesn’t Exist?
This short video comes from Vision Fudge, an organization which makes films in order to help people explore life’s big questions. Whether or not God exists is definitely one of those questions. In the video they ask three questions about belief in God: Does...