In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George discuss the role the Holy Spirit plays in the Sacraments. More specifically, Fr. Rob focuses on the role of the Spirit in Scripture readings during the Sacraments. They emphasize the impact having a...
Father Boniface Hicks on Personal Prayer
Fr Boniface Hicks discusses his book and reveals the secrets of deepening your Catholic prayer life! Father Boniface is a Catholic monk or Benedictine Monk who can help you unlock the power of Catholic prayer! Receive 20% off Personal Prayer: A Guide to Receiving the...
Documentary Shows Teens Miraculously Encountering God
Teens are hungry for God. They want to know what is true. They yearn to experience authentic encounters with the risen Lord. Many may have faith in their hearts, but are still trying to figure out what is real for themselves. They need proof. They want to know...
Encounter Conversion Mission | Liturgy Live 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
This week on the podcast the readings have a distinct pattern. The person has an encounter with God, is moved to acknowledge their sinfulness, and then respond to the mission God presents. We discuss the purgation that happens after our encounters and how important it...
How I Went From Typical College Party Girl To Catholic Missionary
By the fall semester of my junior year at Northwest Missouri State University, I was completely consumed with the typical college culture. I partied every chance I got and sought to make my mark on campus. But because of my conscience and the Lord’s grace, I was still...
8 Tips For Introducing Millennials And Gen Z To The Beauty Of Catholicism
Step into most Catholic churches these days and you will quickly notice that the number of "gray hairs" is greater than the number of young adults, young families, and teens. Is the Catholic Church dying? It might appear that way, but in several areas of the...
An Inside Look At A Mission Trip To Mexico City
In early March, our group of 27 students and missionaries from the country embarked on a week-long Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) Mission trip to Mexico City. As we piled off the bus at the city dump on our first day, no one was prepared for what...
Discover Your True Identity When You Encounter Jesus | Catholic Bible Study
In today's video reflection, Father Ian VanHeusen presents a spiritual exercise based on Luke 24:13-35. We hope you enjoy and use this Catholic Bible study. A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke 24:13-35 That very day, the first day of the week, two of...
Pope Francis’ Historic Super Bowl Greeting
Pope Francis surprised American Football fans (and - perhaps - commercial junkies?) from across the globe when, in an historic first for a Roman Pontiff, he addressed Super Bowl viewers on Sunday, February 5th. Reiterating his favorite themes of solidarity, the Holy...
Too Late Did I Love You! (St. Augustine)
"Too late did I love You! For behold, You were within, and I without, and there did I seek You; I, unlovely, rushed heedlessly among the things of beauty You made. You were with me, but I was not with You. Those things kept me far from You, which, unless they were in...
Make Laughter A Common Place In Uncommon Places
Comedian Michael Jr. presents a video that outlines his overarching goal in his comedy career. He describes his big break that occurred when he began to do comedy for others and not for himself. Michael describes this change in his interior that transformed his...
Building a Culture of Encounter: Making the Invisible, Visible
This video makes me want to run out onto the street and hug every homeless person I meet. The images of the people dressed up in shaggy, dirty clothes being walked past by their relatives without a second glance is a perfect expression of what happens on a day-to-day...
How Do You Overcome Sadness And Fear?
The sun is shining, the sky is blue, the world is a beautiful place. What reason does that woman have to be joyless? And why should that girl be fearful? However, we see that both of them are alone, and it is only when they encounter one another that sadness and fear...
In Just 6 Seconds This Model Will Completely Change How You View Her
This talk was given by Cameron Russell for TEDx. TED is a not for profit organization which, in its own words, makes ‘riveting talks by remarkable people’ available for free online. Cameron Russell, now 26, is a successful American model who started modeling when she...