Traveling the adventures of life, whether personal or professional, particularly as one tries to mature in our Catholic faith and holiness, the experiences inevitably are accompanied by a fair share of missteps and unforeseen challenges. Mistakes serve as...
The Narcissism of Modern Pharisees | Gospel Reflection
“This is the end which befalls evildoers. And in this life scoundrels always receive their just deserts!” - Don Giovanni, Mozart If Don Giovanni had paused for just a moment during his quest for pleasure and realized how empty his life was, he would have had no choice...
5 Things Jesus Teaches About Leadership
Is your authority building up, or tearing down? Presenting five things that Jesus teaches about leadership, used as an examination of conscience. We invite you to watch Father's video, then prayerfully read the Gospel and reflection. We pray that this might help you...
Bishop Barron Provides A Remedy For Those Who Are Self-Absorbed
When I struggle or become frustrated with my prayer life, I know it is often because I've become self-absorbed and preoccupied with my own worries, failings, or grievances. It is a cycle that is difficult to break out of, because what, when we are self-absorbed,...