We do lots of things as a Church, but are those things effective? Judging by our numbers, what we are doing is not working. For every one person who enters the Church, six leave. What are the new methods and innovative approaches that will retain Catholics and draw...
Eden Invitation
12 Essential Keys To Help Christians Understand Same-Sex Attraction
Let’s start out by saying that when we talk about same-sex attraction, what’s important is acceptance and tolerance. We aren’t talking about “tolerating” others as if there was a fundamental distinction between them and us. We are only talking about us. For those who...
10 Resources For Individuals And Families Dealing With Same-Sex Attraction
“Look at the face of the other.… Discover that he has a soul, a history, and a life, that he is a person, and that God loves this person.” - Benedict XVI One of the most important services we hope to render in our media ministry at Catholic-Link is to connect our...