Benedict XIII: A Holy Dominican Pope, who doesn't know how to play politics and trusted the wrong people. In this episode of Habemus Papam, Fr. Conrad discusses Benedict XIII, who succeeded Innocent XIII: A short papacy of a Pope from an old papal family. You can...
Father Gregory Pine, O.P. – How To Live the Virtue of Prudence
Fr Gregory Pine, OP sits down to discuss Prudence: Choose Confidently, Live Boldly his new book ➡️ which answers the question what is prudence and how do we live the virtue of prudence? Fr Gregory is a regular contributor on Pints with Aquinas...
Sr. Mary Jo Throws A Curve Ball That Stuns The Internet
Sr. Mary Jo Sobieck is the latest nun making sports news on the internet. Her "perfect pitch" has caught the attention of every major news outlet, is fascinating viewers on social media, and was even featured on ESPN's sports highlights. Check it out what the Chicago...
A Beautiful Video Of Dominican First Professions And Receiving The Habit
The Dominican Order was canonically established in the year 1216 by Pope Honorius III. Named after their founder, St. Dominic, they claim the official designation is the Ordo Praedicatorum (O.P.), or, in English, the Order of Preachers. Various mottoes characterize...
9 Images That Take The Confusion Out Of Identifying Religious Orders Of The Church
Do you ever get confused by the many religious orders that the Catholic Church has? Each individual order has their own particular character, or charism, attracting different people with the same common style of prayer, work and way of life. The religious orders are...