Who Is Albertus Magnus? One of the greatest saints in the History of the intellectual tradition of the Church is St. Thomas Aquinas. The Angelic Doctor, however, did not arise from a vacuum. Even the greatest teachers once had great teachers. The most famous teacher...
Doctor of the Church
Women Doctors Of The Church: St. Teresa Of Avila
Teresa was born on March 28, 1515 and died on October 4, 1582. St. Teresa of Avila was born into the age of exploration in Spain, just two decades after Christopher Columbus opened exploration for Europe in the Americas. At the...
Women Doctors Of The Church: St. Hildegard Of Bingen
What is a Doctor of the Church? Before we dive into this series on four amazing female saints, it is worth examining the question: what is a Doctor of the Church? Doctor comes from the Latin word “docere” meaning “to teach." A Doctor of the Church is someone...
Read 11 Of The Best Quotes By St. John Chrysostom OR Listen To 10 Hours Of His Homilies
The feast of St. John Chrysostom is September 13th. He is a Doctor of the Church and was known for his incredibly insightful and powerful preaching. Saint John Chrysostom lived from 349 to 407. As one of the early Church fathers, his writing has been extremely...
I Didn’t Like St. Therese of Lisieux… Until I Learned These 8 Little Known Facts About Her
I was fourteen years old and mad at my parents. They were wasting a whole day of our French vacation driving a four hour round trip to the Basilica of St. Therese of Lisieux. The car was uncomfortable, it was a perfect hot sunny day and I didn’t want to go. All I knew...