There are times when it may feel like God is against you, by taking away people or things that you love and hold dear. The loss of a family member, a crumbling marriage, or even the loss of a job; these things may make us feel burned by God and make us cry out, “Why?”...
005 Fr. Rob – Fr. Michael Schutez on Canon Law
Does Canon Law work against evangelization? Quite the contrary! Although the laws can seem restrictive, Canon Law frees us to enter into the faith/mass/etc. more deeply because the guard rails are in place to keep us on track. We often hear of Canon Law in regards to...
Five Things Children Of Divorce Want The Church To Know
Every year over a million children experience the divorce of their parents, and at least one-quarter of all young adults are children of divorce. And those numbers grow when you include people whose parents never married but later split up, or those whose parents...
31 Of The Best Catholic Books On Marriage
If you're like most people, you have spent more time preparing for your career than you have for your marriage. We tend to dedicate years of education to get ready for our jobs, but when it comes to marriage most of us focus more on planning a wedding than investing...
Is Monogamy Outdated and Overrated? This Viral Wedding Photo Responds
There is a widespread presumption today that the Catholic Church’s vision of marriage is antiquated and in need of an update, if not a serious overhaul. Beneath the multifaceted debates around the issue lies a question about love: when we say two people love each...
The Best Marriage Advice From Couples Who’ve Been Married 50+ Years!
Some of the couples on this list have been married for over seventy years! We can certainly learn from the invaluable advice and insight they have to share. Take a few moments to watch their videos and learn from the wisdom of those who have had years of experience in...
“What Catholics Get Wrong About Marriage”
Blackstone Films has produced an incredibly accurate and insightful video examining the way Catholics think about and live out the vocation of marriage. Warning - the content will be personally challenging and thought-provoking. "By reason of their state in life...
How To Have A Happy Marriage: Explained In 4 Infographics
What is the secret to a happy marriage? The secret of how to have a happy marriage is realizing that happiness is not the purpose of marriage. If your goal in marriage is your own personal happiness, you're going about it all wrong. The first thing to do is to spend...
4 Proposals for Divorced and Remarried Catholics and Receiving Communion
The synod of the family held a few years ago was a great opportunity for the Church to listen and better understand the situation of many Catholics. Often the Church is accused of being insensitive with these issues. From one point of view, this is understandable. The...
The Importance Of Making A Spiritual Communion And How You Can Do It Anytime, Anywhere
Spiritual communion is a great way to cultivate our love for Christ in the Eucharist for those times when we can’t make it to Daily Mass for a variety of reasons (no priest, something unexpected, weather, job, sickness, etc.). It is important to note that a spiritual...
Divorced and Remarried? 5 Tips For Living out Your Catholic Faith
With today's post, we would like to offer some tools to help those who would find themselves in a difficult situation, yet desire to draw closer to the Church and renew their relationship with God. Each one of us is called to search and respond to God in our personal...
What’s the Big Deal With Remarried Couples Receiving Communion?
You might have heard or read quite a bit about the issue of remarried couples and the Eucharist. Still, amongst the hype, there hasn’t always been a lot of clarity about what’s at the heart of it all. Why can’t remarried couples receive communion? Is it some kind of...
Holy Father, I Want to Get a Divorce| The Pope Francis Minute
In the midst of trials and arguments, it is often too quickly forgotten that marriage is a covenant bond between spouses which is sealed by God. When two people grow apart in a marriage, the easy solution might appear to be to get a divorce. However, the...
Is Your Friend Getting Divorced? 5 Tips To Helping Them During This Tough Time
As Pope Francis continually reminds us, the first attribute of God is mercy. Mercy is His name, and this mercy is greater than any error that we might commit. In being intimately connected with the love of God, it is transformed into infinite proportions. It has no...
Kirk Cameron’s Controversial “Archaic” Marriage Advice
Both the media and Twitter users have decided to tear Kirk Cameron apart for his views about marriage that he recently shared in an interview with The Christian Post. Cameron is best known for his role in the 80’s sitcom Growing Pains but has more recently starred in...
An Extraordinarily Beautiful Video Series About The Value Of Family And Marriage
One of the most misunderstood teachings of our time is what the Catholic Church says about sexuality, marriage, and family life. The beauty of what our Church truly believes is often overshadowed by what the media distorts it to be. As a result, there is truly a lack...
7 Things You Need To Know About Infidelity In Marriage
Esther Perel is a prominent Belgian psychotherapist who lives in New York. She has dedicated 30 years to couples therapy and to the study of infidelity; and she has been traveling around the world for the last 10 years, collecting information about this topic in...
Motu Pro-What?…Understanding Annulments and the Pope’s Changes
From CNN to the New York Times, the media is ablaze reporting (distorting?) what is going on with Pope Francis’ decision to “speed up” and “simplify” the annulment process for Catholic marriages that have ended in divorce. The media can often misinterpret the words...
Incredible Experiment: What Will Your Relationship Look Like In 100 Years?
This video can be a great apostolic resource for those who are considering embarking upon a serious relationship. Often the idea of aging, of losing the ever so idolized beauty of youth, scares us. At the bottom lies that idea of insecurity: how could I be loved if I...
Kathryn’s Story: Unresolved Hurts, A Failed Marriage, And God’s Surprising Gift
Kathryn's story of love and redemption is beautifully told in this video put out by Crossroads Church of Cincinnati, Ohio. Kathryn's testimony reveals a painful past that is all too familiar to so many. She allows us to see how she carried those unresolved hurts into...
Before Thinking of Getting a Divorce, Watch This Video. It Might Save Your Marriage.
There are two foundations that can never be separated: love and memory. Just as a true disciple never forgets the first hour when the master touched his heart: "It was about four o'clock in the afternoon" (Jn 1:39) – and, as Pope Francis says, a believer is...
Does The Catholic View On Marriage Increase Tension Among Spouses?
The greatest challenge of any relationship is simultaneously the source of its beauty, value, and mystery. Here, I am talking about tension. I am not speaking of a psychological or muscular concept, rather a very deep and human one. I have in mind, for example, the...