In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George discuss the need to encourage our priests. They also discuss how to approach a parish priest about difficult or confusing situations in the parish. They offer a reminder that priests studied the...
How Do I Know What God’s Will Is When Both Choices Are Good Things?
Every day, we face numerous choices, many of eternal consequences. When our hearts and minds are ordered toward God, these choices are usually between two goods. We could read to our children, or pray the rosary. We could spend Saturday afternoon...
The Advice You Need To Discern Your Vocation
There are really two camps when it comes to discernment. On the one side, some believe that discernment is discovering what is the will of God so they can do it, and on the other side, some believe essentially that a person’s vocation is just a free-willed response to...
Is It AI (Artificial Intelligence) Or A Verse From The Bible? Take our QUIZ!
In this digital age, where information is readily accessible at our fingertips, we are faced with a new challenge: discerning the truth amidst the vast sea of online content. As a Catholic, our faith calls us to seek truth and embrace it. However, we must recognize...
7 Things Not To Say To Someone Discerning A Religious Vocation
Open foot, insert mouth. Wait. I mean the other way around. Fr. Michael Zimmerman here, assistant director at Vocations Boston. I’ve probably said a few items on this list myself, and I’ve been on the receiving end of far more, but how can we actually encourage...
Embrace Your Mission | Extraordinary Missionary Month
When people hear the word “missionary”, most people think of someone who travels to another country to share the Gospel, teach in schools, volunteer in hospitals, and serve the community. Missionaries go to places like Africa, El Salvador, and Haiti. That was always...
How To Decide Where You Should Volunteer Your Time
Another year brings fresh New Year’s Resolution attempts. Back in 2016, I made a resolution to volunteer, but at the time I just didn’t know where I wanted to volunteer. I never felt God instantly calling me to any particular volunteer program. It took a period of...
What To Do When Your Choice Means Disappointing Someone | Gospel Reflection
“Life is always a triumph of the improbable and a miracle of the unexpected.” - Henri de Lubac Making a decision is never easy. But it is even harder when we have to decide between two good things. Choosing which has priority is not always clear-cut. Feelings of...
The Lamb, The Rock, And How To Know What You’re Seeking| Catholic Bible Study
“Do Thou give strength to seek… My strength and my infirmity are in Thy sight: preserve the one, and heal the other.” ~ St. Augustine If you want to find something, the best way to do so is to start looking! Perhaps you won’t find exactly what you’re looking for, but...
3 Spiritual Exercises To Help Discern Your Vocation
3 Spiritual Exercises to Help Discern Your Vocation 3 Spiritual Exercises to help discern your vocation. 1. Think about Courage: "Here I am Lord" In Sunday's first reading, the prophet is ready and willing to surrender to the Holy Spirit....
Is God Calling Me? 7 Tips To Discern If God Is Calling You To Consecrated Life
When I talk about vocation, many get scared at just the though of it. The first things that come to their mind are religious habits, endless prayers, people living in the same house, having to live far from their families, etc. However, the truth is that vocation...
7 Reasons You Can’t Figure Out What Vocation You’re Called To
One of the great joys of being a teacher is watching my students’ growing awareness of who or what they want to become. When they finally voice that decision for ‘engineer’, ‘designer’, ‘university student’, ‘apprentice’, I very often see a mix of composure,...
(Quiz) What Vocation Are You Called To Single, Married, or Religious Life?
Every baptized person is called to live out a vocation as either a single, married, consecrated or ordained person to grow in holiness here on earth and lead to our eternal happiness. This type of vocation is more than your job or your career; it is your calling from...
Vocations Video: How To Go “All-In” With God
Responding to a vocation takes guts. Whether it's a calling to marriage with that special someone, to the silence of the cloister as a religious brother or sister, or to serve in the priesthood, answering to God's call requires an "all-in" type attitude. Fr. Barron...