C.S. Lewis once warned that “there are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them” (The Screwtape Letters, 9)....
Demons with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George share consoling information about the Devil and demons. They share that demons cannot read your mind and they cannot read your soul. The Devil's and the demons' goal is to make one dislike God. All...
Temptations of Jesus in the Desert with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discuss the temptations of Jesus in the Desert. The temptations of Jesus give us an understanding of how Christ experienced every facet of the human life, except sin. These temptations are...
Only The Church Can Whup The Devil – Reason #30 Dr. Peter Kreeft Is Catholic
Whenever anybody gets really serious about exorcism, they go to a Catholic priest. Did you ever see a movie with a Protestant exorcist? The Catholic Church is an “expert” in the most dangerous war of all, spiritual warfare. Why? For these reasons: Jesus was. He...
QUIZ: What Should You Be For Halloween? (And One Thing You Shouldn’t Be)
It's that time of year again in which we are bombarded with Halloween costume ideas. Everyone is looking for the most creative, clever, and unique costume idea to show off to their friends and neighbors. We've decided to join in the fun, so we've created a personality...