One of the most contentious issues throughout history has been the question of whether life resulted from design or nothing more than physical processes. Are we the product of a mind or an accident of nature? This question took on supreme importance to me in college...
Called To Be Creative
1941 was a dark and cruel year for Eastern Europe. Torn between the oppressive forces of Nazi Germany and Communist Russia, thousands of ethnic Slavs, Jews, Roma, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Catholics, homosexuals, people with disabilities and intellectuals were seen as...
14 Of The Most Beautiful Catholic Churches In The World
Non-believers often challenge Catholics by asking them why so much money is spent on Church buildings instead of being given to people who are starving to death throughout the world. What many fail to realize is that throughout history, the Catholic Church has...
A Guide To Appreciating Catholic Churches For The Non-Catholic
First, let me tell you that I'm not Catholic. But having lived in Europe for several years, I've probably been in more Catholic Churches than most Catholics. Not that this makes me an expert, but more of a connoisseur. However, I have asked several of my Catholic...
Once You Understand the Architecture of a Church, You’ll Never Look at It the Same
"A foretaste of the Heavenly Liturgy"¹ Several years ago I stumbled upon a video of a lecture given by Denis R. McNamara, that blew me away, and has subsequently traveled with me, so to speak, in my meditative, Mass-going, beauty-loving journeys as a Catholic. Every...
Conception to birth — Visualized! (Incredible images)
"Alexander Tsiaras is an artist and technologist whose work explores the unseen human body, developing scientific visualization software to enable him to "paint" the human anatomy using volume data." Here in his TED talk he shares "a powerful medical visualization,...