José Luis Martín Descalzo is a priest, a journalist, and a Spanish writer from a profoundly Christian family in which he was the youngest of four siblings. He completed degrees in History and Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. He was ordained a...
4 Movies About The Life Of Jesus To Watch This Lent
It seems that Hollywood is starting to realize the power of the name of Jesus and is responding by creating more movies about the life of Jesus. Well, maybe. At the very least, producers have certainly realized the entertainment value of the story of His Life, Death,...
Finding God in Moments of Great Love and Great Sorrow
When were you most in Love? More specifically, when were you most in Love with God? Do the words of Ron Rolheiser fit with you, that, ‘except for rare, graced, moments we still believe in a God who is hyper-serious, wired, intense, pained, disappointed in us,...
Abortion, Euthanasia, Pornography, Violence… They All Start With a Gaze (Symbolic Video)
It's easy to criticize the crimes and tragedies of the world. They are there for all to see. But where do they begin? Each one started with an interior decision, a moment in which the person decided to look at reality differently. Things seem innocent, harmless enough...
These 4 Videos About Death Will Help You Understand that Life is Short
These four videos could be useful to start a dialogue about the brevity of life and its ultimate meaning. The passage of time, the various stages that we cross, the challenges that we overcome, the plans and projects that we will build, everything that we acquire (all...
“In the Evening of Life, We Will Be Judged On Love Alone”
Speaking about death is difficult. Death is scary; it makes us touch our fragility. It makes us feel finite and insecure. It reveals the fact that we don’t have total control over our lives. No one knows the day or the hour when we will leave this world. For this...
Stand by me (1986)
Stand by me is a beautiful, nostalgic production based on a Stephen King novella. The story is told through flashbacks in which the main character, Gordie, a writer, recalls the far off summer of 1959 when he was 12 years old. Hearing of the death of another...
Do you know where you will go when you die?
In today's society, we find various types of attitudes regarding death. Some try to ignore it all together. Others cope by ridiculing it, laughing at it, and treating it as if it was nothing to be concerned about. Others brutalize it, shoving it into our face...
You’re Dead. Now What? A Catholic Catechesis On The Afterlife
Outside da Box releases a video dealing with the afterlife. While it's not a very popular subject– that is when it isn't being ridiculed or reduced to a simply sentimental matter– how we understand the event called death and what follows after it is extremely...
The Inspiring Story Of Zach Sobiech Teaches Us The Meaning of “Dying with Dignity”
Zach Sobiech is a 17-year-old diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer. With only months to live, Zach turned to music to say goodbye. His life offers a powerful testimony of what it means to appreciate the beauty of bringing smiles to other's faces, to...
What Is The Magnitude Of God’s Love On The Cross?
Our friends at Outside da Box and Likability have once again produced an excellent video in service of the faith. "That 1 Day" helps us to understand why that fateful day so many years ago, the day in which a supposedly ordinary man died as a criminal, is so important...
The More I Try The Worse It Gets: How Sin Is Unlike Any Other Problem
Today’s video is an excellent production by CRU Global. It’s a flying 4 minutes that leads us through a series of metaphors that represent the basic stages of salvation history: creation, the fall, Christ’s coming and Resurrection, and our salvation. I find the...
This Interesting Animated Video Shows Human Life Summed Up in 1 Minute
Don't let its simplicity distract from the density of the question at the end. How one responds to the question, "that's it?" lays down the foundations for life. Thinking about death puts things into perspective. It's the most accurate balance for determining the...