There are Catholics who marry Catholics and who live a wonderful life. There are Catholics who marry Catholics who end up in divorce. There are Catholics who marry non-Catholics who lose their faith. And there are Catholics who marry non-Catholics whose spouses...
dating advice
Help! Is A Healthy Dating Relationship Even Possible Anymore?!
Dating is easy today, right? Hardly. It’s never been easy; but especially in a social media world—and after the pandemic, nothing can be taken for granted. This is literally uncharted territory. And yet, human nature remains fundamentally the same in so many...
3 Ways To Grow In Chastity Before Marriage
Chaste dating is no walk in the park, but it is possible. We’ve been in relationships in the past that were unchaste and ended very badly. When we started courting, we didn’t want to repeat the same habits from our past relationships, so we had to do things...
15 Tips For Every Catholic Man Seeking To Win A Woman’s Heart
For many young men, approaching a lady is not an easy task. There’s the fear of rejection, of looking foolish, of not knowing exactly what to say, fear of what others will say, and so on. In addition there are all the fantasies that Hollywood, television, and social...
Pixar Short Perfectly Captures How Parents Feel When Teens Start Dating
I'm hoping that I have at least a few years until my kids enter the world of dating. My older boys (thankfully!) still turn shades of red at the thought of liking a girl, but my first grader is a self-proclaimed "ladies' man." Though they are young, it is not too...
A Single Twenty-Something Shares Her Most Intimate Concerns About Dating, Relationships, And Chastity
A single twenty-something intimately and honestly shares with Catholic-Link her personal thoughts on dating, chastity, and the single life. We invite you to enter into the heart and mind of a young woman who is patiently waiting for God's plan to unfold in her life:...
Wait Until Marriage? Yes, It Is Full Of Joy!
Nowadays, waiting to have sex until marriage is an “out-of-date” idea, but as the video explains, there is a deeper meaning to sex. God has created us to live together, specifically, through the vocation of marriage. The Lord God said, "It is not good that...