If you could ask a few male saints how they were raised, what do you think they would say? Certainty, every Catholic father wants to raise a saint, but not every father is willing to make the sacrifice or knows where to start. The Father Of St. Thomas More Let’s...
An Examination Of Conscience For Fathers
An examination of conscience is a tool that is used when preparing for making a good Confession. This tool can also be used at any time of day, but can be especially fruitful at nighttime, looking back over the day. The father is the priest of his domestic Church. He...
The Duty Of Parenthood: Handing On The Catholic Faith
Tradition – The Handing on of Faith St. Paul wrote in his letter to the Corinthians: “For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the...
What’s Wrong With Manliness In Today’s Culture?
Depending where you look, and who you listen to, the current state of manliness seems pretty bleak. Are authentically masculine men still a thing? Has manliness changed? In a recent video, Dave DiNuzzo of TrueManhood Catholic Men’s Ministry and Drew Taylor of To The...
Can Married People Become Saints?
Recently I read an account of a martyr who was not an ordained religious. The author began the reflection by saying that this saint helps us to keep in mind that sainthood is possible in all states of life. While this statement is true and supplies hope and...
9 Catholic Books That Dads Will Love
Looking for a great gift for Dad? How about a Catholic book that he is sure to love! Here are our suggestions. 9 Catholic Books For Dads Our Not-Quite-Holy Family: A Practical Guide for Catholic Parents BeDADitudes: 8 Ways to Be an Awesome Dad Man to Man Dad to Dad A...
“Like Son” | A Short Film on Catholic Fatherhood
Before diving in to my reflection, I invite you to please watch this short film (2 minutes, 40 seconds) produced by Blackstone Films. It is a fantastic message for Catholic fathers about their importance from www.strongcatholicdad.com. Like Son...
Catholic Gifts For Men: Dad, Brothers, Uncles, Priests!
These are some of our favorite Catholic gifts for the men in your life. Priests, grandpas, brothers...they are all bound to love this incredible collection of Catholic Men's Gifts. Give a gift that will lead those you love closer to Christ and support these amazing...
Top 3 Ways I Failed As A Catholic Father
I didn’t sign up to screw up my kids. Fatherhood was going to be GREAT - adventures, hugs, and giving better than I got. 27 years, 10 kids, 6 months of couple's counseling and 1 year of Catholic psychotherapy later, it's the...
What Can Dads Learn From The “Silent Giant Of Faith”?
Husband of Mary, Father of Jesus, and Model of Faith in God St. Joseph was betrothed to the Blessed Virgin Mary when Jesus was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. In Jewish custom, betrothal was the first of a two-part ceremony. In the first part, the erusin,...
8 Podcasts For Catholic Dads
As fathers, as Catholic men, what are we doing with our free time? Certainly, there are many activities which can help us grow in virtue. And there are many activities which are distractions or diversions. These activities have their place, but are they truly...
5 Things Parents In Today’s World Must Be Mindful Of
Being Catholic in today’s world is difficult. Being a parent in today’s world is, arguably, even more difficult. Parenthood is a great gift from God. Children are an absolute joy. The responsibility, though, is overwhelming at times. There are so many things of which...
A Catholic Dad Gives His 10 Best Strategies For Mass With Kids
Mass With Kids: A Seemingly Impossible Task Parenting young children at Mass seems like an undoable task. How can they be expected to be still and silent for an hour or more? Should I take turns with my spouse and do Mass in shifts? Will the other parishioners be...
2 Prayers That Dads Should Memorize And Use Daily
Priest, Prophet, and King A Baptized man shares in the offices of Christ of priest, prophet, and king. A Baptized man who is the father of children is a priest, prophet, and king in a particular way. His house is his domestic church and his children are the flock that...
We Need Dads Who Are Present…Powerful Spoken Word Must-See Video
I’m not a Dad, but when I came across this video online I knew it would be worth sharing. Every family-man longs to be a good husband and a good father. And they all try to do so, often slaving at a job they don’t particularly like. It’s often draining trying to...
7 Things Catholic Parents Can Do This Summer
Summer is my favorite time of the year here in Ohio. I love everything about it, especially the warm weather and the long nights. Having my kids home from school can be incredibly exhausting, but it's absolutely the highlight of the summer months. So many...
Young Kids And Mass: 3 Essential Tips For Success
Yup, that topic. Young children and the Mass. Little did I know seven years ago, before our first was born, what an expert I’d become on the topic. At first, it seemed so easy to go to Mass with a child. We’d go to Mass, infant Clare would nurse or sleep, and maybe...
6 Things You Can Do To Make The Most Of Your Time With Your Children
I've never understood those commercials that always pop-up around this time of year showing parents rejoicing as they send kids back-to-school . Of course, by the end of summer, I'm completely exhausted, but I never feel ecstatic about the start of a new school...
How My Parents Raised Four Adult Catholics Who (Still) Love Jesus And The Church
Disclaimer: This post is not meant to be a formula for raising Catholic kids; it's simply one family's experience of how the witness of parents shaped children who became faithful Catholic adults. Each of my siblings and I got to a point in life where we had to choose...
“The Lighthouse” – A Beautiful Animated Short About Fatherhood
I write this article on the first anniversary of my father´s death and first year in heaven. And it is not presumption or bragging: my father died one Saturday morning, wearing the Scapular of Our Lady of the Mount Carmel and with the final Sacraments administered by...
10 Simple Ways To Bring Your Children Closer To God
Being parents makes us responsible not only for taking care of our children, but also for the spiritual education we give them from the moment they are conceived. For this reason, I want to share with you 10 simple ways to help our children grow closer to God. “Do we...
Letter from a Single Dad – You are not alone this Father’s Day (or any day)
In the United States, the number of single dads continues to increase. In the 1960's there were just 300,000 households led by single fathers, but in the most recent survey by Pew Research that number rose to 2.6 million. As a Catholic faith community, we must show...
5 Websites Every Catholic Dad Should Visit
A few months ago, we put together a list of 5 great Catholic websites for Moms (in addition to Catholic Link, of course!). This list was such a hit with Moms that people requested a list of Catholic websites for Dads. With the help and suggestions of a few...
15 Reasons Dads Are Awesome
Our culture places many pressures on fathers today. They must be strong, yet sensitive; hardworking, yet spend quality time with their families; have well behaved children, yet not be too authoritative. The list could go on. Society expects men to be perfect fathers,...
7 Things Every Husband Should Ask From Saint Joseph
Today we celebrate a great Saint, a model man and protector of families: Saint Joseph. We know very little about this Saint who, along with Mary through her generous Yes, welcomed, cared for and formed our Lord Jesus in infancy and childhood. In this gallery we want...