Do you remember this past Lent, when we all had that “can-do” spirit to celebrate Holy Week and Easter in the best way possible given our lockdown reality? The bursts of creativity, the flurry of activity on social media, the daily Zoom lessons we learned. ...
Turning The Worst Of Times Into The Best Of Times
“It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” Great beginnings, like those opening lines of A Tale of Two Cities, are more memorable than most endings. Because when we open the first page of a novel or watch the curtain rise on a play, we are charged with...
Three Thoughts From A Priest About Quarantine
You are missed. In his magnificent biography of Saint John Paul II, George Weigel writes that to Father Karol Wojtyła, “a priest without a parish was a vocational absurdity.” A priest is ordained to be a man for others, “to go from men to God and offer Him their...
What COVID-19 And Whole 30 Have In Common
As we move beyond our time of sheltering in place, how are we going to make the most of these past few weeks? What are we going to do to ensure that quarantine was not a waste? There is an image floating around on social media of an open refrigerator door, with a note...
We Pray For The Children (Quarantine Edition)
We pray for the children… Who wake up early and eat the entire box of cereal, Who sleep in until noon, Who wear their pajamas ALL.DAY.LONG. And we pray for the those, Who wake up hungry, but can’t find any food in the house, Who sleep on the floor in a crowded room,...
A Love Story In The Time Of Quarantine
I wish I had always known God’s loving tenderness. I have been a Catholic all my life but it was only a year ago that I discovered a God who loves us with such magnitude that not only is He powerful, He is also tender, as a terrified new father, who stands in by the...
Seeking Easter Joy
Christ is risen! Truly He is risen! The stone is rolled away. The tomb where Christ once laid is empty. Death did not hold Him. He conquered death and restored life. Jesus, Our Redeemer, brings us life, love, and hope won for us all through His passion, death, and...
The Paschal Mystery In Light Of COVID-19
As we navigate through the Coronavirus and the seemingly unending strain of directives and regulations released by the Church and government agencies, we pray for and await good health and healing in all the world. In most dioceses, the latest is: Closed and locked...
Spread A Message Of #HopeDuringCOVID19! Are You Up For The Challenge?
We find ourselves in uncharted territory with the COVID-19 crisis. In addition to the medical aspect of the crisis, the economy is in flux, universities have sent their students home, many in the service industry have lost their livelihoods, businesses have had to...
People Doing Amazing Things In This Time Of Trial
Though these times are challenging, there are so many people doing amazing things for the Lord. Here is a list of some of the things that we have found to be incredibly inspiring! People Doing Amazing Things In This Time Of Trial Samaritan's Purse Opens A Field...
The Devil Will Use Covid-19 Fears To Get To You… Here’s How You Can Beat Him!
The world will never be the same again after the Covid-19 pandemic finally ends (whenever that may be!). Every generation faces at least one mega-crisis that forever changes the way the world operates. In my lifetime so far, it had been the events on 9/11 and the 2008...
4 Simple Ways To Make Time For Prayer During Times Of Chaos
For some, the quarantined life means that things are happening at a much slower pace. Your events are canceled, you’re working or going to school from home, and e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g is closed. You’ve got a lot of time on your hands, but are likely really feeling the...
‘Behold Your Mother’: How Coronavirus Is Turning The Church Towards Mary
It seems that it is impossible to have a conversation about anything other than the Coronavirus pandemic at the moment. I’ve noticed that my own habit of turning to social media to relax has had its effect reversed, with it only streaming more anxious voices into my...
Plenary Indulgence Offered For Quarantined: Here’s How To Get It
"Plenary Indulgence is granted to the faithful affected by Coronavirus, subjected to quarantine for the disposition of the health authority in hospitals or in their own homes if, with a soul detached from any sin, they spiritually unite through the media to...