When I found this video, I couldn’t help but be impressed. The first thing that I thought about was the courage of this young girl, the pain in her eyes, and the directness and clarity with which she conveyed her message. It is a message that, I believe, will save...
From Prison To Faith: The Conversion Of Mark Wahlberg
What religion is Mark Wahlberg? Is he Catholic? It sure sounds like he is! Hear his story of conversion in the video below. I must confess that writing posts on Hollywood conversions can be terrifying. We Catholics tend to get excited when an actor says something...
To Avoid Being A Christmas Hypocrite We Must Do More Than Decorate, Bake, and Sing
Today's video reveals the inner match that goes on between the "religiously-correct" speeches that we give and the reality that we live. "The authenticity of our faith is always being tested, especially during Christmas. It's not just our words that matter. It's our...
Christmas Without Christ Is Just An Empty Tradition
In this short animated film, urban poet, Rael James Mason, explores what Christmas is all about trying to help people think through the message of Christmas. The basic idea is: Christmas without Christ is just any empty tradition. The ironic thing is that the...
Faith, Freedom and the Pursuit of Spiritual Highs
This video is brought to us by Blimey Cow, a parody vlog of “mockumentaries” whose cross-examination of teen and Christian stereotypes presents a critical but comically entertaining evaluation of North American culture. Although the makers of this vlog aren’t...
Running from God, Looking for Happiness in the Temptations
When faced with temptations, do you run towards God or away from Him? "I fled him, down the nights and down the days. I fled him, down the arches of the years. I fled him, down the labyrinthine ways of my own mind and in the midst of tears. I hid from him..." This...
In Just 6 Seconds This Model Will Completely Change How You View Her
This talk was given by Cameron Russell for TEDx. TED is a not for profit organization which, in its own words, makes ‘riveting talks by remarkable people’ available for free online. Cameron Russell, now 26, is a successful American model who started modeling when she...
The Story Of Leah Darrow: A Testimony Pf Chastity And True Happiness
Today's video is a personal interview done by One Billion Stories of Leah Darrow while she was in Manila, the Philippines. Videos such as these can be extremely useful in our apostolate for their personal and very authentic character. Former America's Next Top Model...
Les Miserables: The Cross As A Way Of Salvation
Over the years there have been many adaptations of the monumental work of Victor Hugo's Les Miserables. These include a musical adaptation originally presented in 1980 in France, which later was translated into several languages. The major motion picture we are...
Why You Should Look At Yourself With The Same Gaze Of Mercy God Does
When you look at yourself what to do you see? Is your gaze one of love and truth, or judgment and despair? Do you understand the significance of God’s mercy? Or, have you rejected it from your heart? The video tries to tap into the drama of every human heart that...
You Must Lose Your Life In Order To Embrace Resurrection
An impressive video that draws an analogy between the process that the wood must undergo in order to be formed and our own process to be made into a new creation in Christ. It is Christ himself who lays down the path before us by his example on the Cross, manifesting...
“Come Home” – What Would The Prodigal Son Look Like Today?
The story of the prodigal son is much more than a parable told long ago. It is a drama that is lived out in each one of our lives. It continues to speak, to open hearts, and to change lives because it portrays our daily drama with shocking clarity and uncovers those...
What Happens When God Knocks On The Door Of Her Heart
Through the productions of Onebillionstories.com, Shaina Stein speaks about her experience in giving her life to God and trusting him with her future. Onebillionstories.com is a Catholic ministry founded by Seth DeMoor. Soon after college, Seth bicycled 2,400 miles...
Norma McCorvey, “Jane Roe” Had A Change of Heart You Should Know About
It's never to late too change. It's never too late to love and choose life. Forty years ago, as a young, pregnant woman, Norma McCorvey played a key role in the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in the United States. Now McCorvey, the ‘Roe’ in the...
What Is Advent? Fun Animation That Drives The Meaning Home!
A fun and animated video that presents two very different views of what the Advent season is all about. It was released by Xt3.com. As always, I encourage that when we see these videos, we watch them not just for ourselves, rather that we understand them as an...