The longing for genuine connection and community has never been more pronounced. Building and nurturing community is an essential endeavor in response to Christ’s call to discipleship. The quality of a community is reflected in the quality of...
How The Voice of God Holds Us Together When We Cannot
When the string of a pearl necklace snaps and the pearls fly off in all directions, bouncing across a pale marble floor, they seem like jets of water flying out of a broken water pipe or like unruly children running to hide in the most unlikely places. Trying...
Communication And Cooperation: What One Home’s Bizarre Architecture Can Teach Us About Life
Artists Ward Shelley and Alex Schweder built a house that spins and tilts on one pivot point. Once it was complete, they moved in and lived in it for five days. The video shows the delicate response of the house to their movements and makes a very obvious illustration...
In The Beginning Was the Word: Human Communication & Learning How To Talk Again
I picked up a hitchhiker the other day, he was standing on the side of the road and as I was driving towards him I realized that we were both heading in the same direction. So I pulled over and signaled for him to get in. He jumped in the car, a man in his fifties,...
Jim Gaffigan’s Advice When Discussing Political Views: Calling Them A Moron Doesn’t Work
No one in the history of opinions has ever changed his/her mind after being called an idiot. They might have stopped sharing with you or even started an ad hominem fight online. Opinions change. As much as people with strong ones think that their mind will never...
Will They Know You’re A Christian By Your Body Language?
This video by Dr. Amy Cutty lays out some very interesting insights into the importance of body language. It’s a “back to the basics” topic but when it’s looked at in light of the faith, a few valuable reflections emerge. 3 Things To Remember About Your Body Language...
In a World So Connected, Why Do I Feel So Alone? A video on social media and loneliness
Today's video is one of the most impressive and comprehensive videos that I have been able to find on today's greatest ailment: loneliness. It is the elephant in the room that no one speaks of... because they are all texting. We plug ourselves more and more into the...
A Hilarious Video About The Difficulties Of Communication Between Guys And Girls
Communication is extremely important in any relationship. One of the greatest challenges is to be able and willing to step continually outside one's proper paradigms so as to understand what the other person says from their viewpoint, from their life experience....
More Than Just Stereotypes: When “Virtual” Ends Up Ruining the “Now” (Funny!)
Today's video is a funny and witty parody (criticism) of one the most successful apps of the last few years. Instagram is an app that was created by two students at Stanford, Kevin Systrom (CEO, co-founder) and Mike Krieger (co-founder). Instagram facilitates photo...
“I Share Therefore I am”: A Look at Communication Today
"As we expect more from technology, do we expect less from each other? Sherry Turkle studies how our devices and online personas are redefining human connection and communication -- and asks us to think deeply about the new kinds of connection we want to have." (Ted)...