In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George to discuss reflection and contemplation upon God's work throughout the past day. In the Nativity story, we hear that Mary pondered the first Christmas in her heart. Fr. Rob and Fr. George call us to...
Congratulations & Merry Christmas! Your Lord And Savior Has Been Born!
The moment we’ve been waiting for and anticipating with great joy hasfinally arrived! The birth of our Lord is a story known throughout the world andthroughout the ages and yet, it is an intimately personal story for us all. As Maryand Joseph experience the miraculous...
Advent Wreath with Fr. Rob Adams
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George to discuss some traditions one can incorporate this Advent to help prepare our hearts and homes for the coming of the Christ child at Christmas. Fr. Rob says we first need an Advent Wreath and we...
Advent and The Three Comings of Christ with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George to discuss The Three Comings of Christ to reflect on during Advent. The three comings of Christ are: 1) Christ's birth at Christmas, 2) Christ's coming into our hearts and souls every day, and 3)...
A ‘Closet Catholic’ Finds Faith To Write A New Christmas Hymn
A SONG IS CONCIEVED It didn’t take long for our dinner conversation in July 2022 to find itself deep in the discussion of music, particularly of our own. With a B.A. in music from Rowan University and several published songs and compositions to my credit, I had been...
Fasting During Advent with Fr. Rob: A Throwback
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discuss how the season of Advent is a preparation to celebrate the birth of Christ. One means of preparation for the Solemnity could be to practice fasting. Fr. Rob makes the distinction...
Jesus In The Womb: Month 9
Your Lord and Savior is Now the Size of a Watermelon! Advent has officially begun! The final month has finally arrived and Baby Jesus will soon be born. The last month in the womb is spent with baby Jesus preparing for his birth. He is inhaling and exhaling...
Catholic Advent Resource Guide 2024: Books, Apps, Videos, And More!
This year, Advent begins on Sunday, Dec 1, 2024, and will end on Tuesday, Dec 24, 2024. Before Advent begins, take some time to create a plan that will prepare your heart to celebrate the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Advent is a season inviting us to step away...
Following Jesus’s Development In The Womb: Conception
Congratulations! Your Lord and Savior has been conceived! Due Date: December 25th Through the power of the Holy Spirit and the fiat of Mary, the Savior has been conceived. Not only is he fully God, He is now fully man as well. ...
Loneliness and Christmas with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discuss how the Christmas season can be a lonely time for a lot of people. Firstly, priests may experience a particular loneliness when they celebrate multiple liturgies in a short time, and...
Fasting During Advent with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discuss how the season of Advent is a preparation to celebrate the birth of Christ. One means of preparation for the Solemnity could be to practice fasting. Fr. Rob makes the distinction...
The Second Coming with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discuss the purpose of the Second Coming of Christ and how Advent is a preparation for Christ's second coming. We do not know when Christ will come again and usher in a new creation, so it is...
‘Journey to Bethlehem’ Movie Review
Join Drew and Katie Taylor on Catholic-Link as they provide a detailed movie review of "Journey to Bethlehem." Discover the aspects they loved about the film and the important warnings they have for viewers. In some ways the movie falls short of theological truths...
Christmas: A Season of Epiphanies | Throwback
In this throwback episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Conrad Murphy is joined by Fr. Alec to discuss the Season of Christmas and how Christ, the Messiah, is made manifest to the world through his birth at Christmas, the Epiphany, his baptism in the Jordan, his...
Why Does The Manger Matter?
The Catechism of the Catholic Church beautifully exclaims that “No one, whether shepherd or wise man, can approach God here below except by kneeling before the manger at Bethlehem and adoring him hidden in the weakness of a new-born child (CCC 563).” The manger at...
Christmas Chaos And Connecting With Christ: 5 Tips To Keep Your Sanity And Still Make Mass Meaningful
If there is one thing every Catholic knows, it’s that Christmas Mass is one of most chaotic Masses of the year. Often the parking lot is overflowing and the pews are jam-packed with people. Not to mention the sheer madness that can ensue when trying to get everyone...
4 Simple Ways To Help Your Family Embrace Jesus This Christmas
The moment we open our eyes the day after Thanksgiving (and oftentimes even before), we are inundated with reindeer, gingerbread, gifts, elves, and Santa. Though these things are not inherently bad, if we do not keep our Christmas season properly ordered, it is all...
Apple+’s Spirited Is All About Conversion
2023 saw a musical release of the Nativity Story, which I critiqued in a previous review. A different musical, Spirited, released on Apple+, and was enjoyed by audiences in 2022. I recently had the opportunity to reflect about the musical and enjoy it on a dark and...
Catholic Gifts For Kids Christmas 2023
If you're shopping for Catholic kids this Christmas, this is the list for you! The children in your life will love these gifts and also grow in their faith because of them. Catholic Children's Gifts Mass Kit, Saint Dolls, Reusable Sticker Books, & Much More! |...
Catholic Advent Resource Guide 2023: Books, Apps, Videos, And More!
This year, Advent begins on Sunday, December 3, 2023, and will end on Saturday, December 24, 2023. This means the fourth week of Advent will be just a day! Advent will go by even faster than usual so preparation is key to making the most of this time. Take some time...
Jesus Comes To Heal And Save At Christmas, But We Must Make Him The Center
Gospel of Luke 2:15-20 hen the angels went away from them to heaven,the shepherds said to one another, “Let us go, then, to Bethlehemto see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us.”So they went in haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the...
3 Ways To Help Your Child Encounter Christ This Christmas
What parents don’t want to give their children the best gifts possible? But beyond traipsing through malls or scrolling online for the perfect present, time might be well spent this Advent season giving kids the Greatest Gift by helping them develop a deeper...
Five Reasons Not To Overlook The Bethlehem Shepherds
The Shepherds of Bethlehem are not really glamorous. They’re easy to take for granted. They’re not interesting exotic wizards from a distant land. They’re not powerful kings or tyrannical rulers. They’re just ordinary, working folks. Sure, they claimed to see a choir...
Las Posadas: Advent, Tradition, & Abuela’s Hot Chocolate
Las Posadas is an Advent tradition begun by Hispanic Catholics in the 16th century. Las Posadas means “the Inns,” and like a typical novena lasting nine days, the celebration spans the nine days before Christmas. Though it does involve knocking on doors and...
4 Ways To Keep The Eucharist At The Center Of Your Family’s Christmas
“What’s the point of Christmas?” we ask our kids after their 82nd time watching Elf this week. “Jesus!” they shout. Whew! We drill that question into our children every few days during this season of Advent to help them remember the focal...