2023 saw a musical release of the Nativity Story, which I critiqued in a previous review. A different musical, Spirited, released on Apple+, and was enjoyed by audiences in 2022. I recently had the opportunity to reflect about the musical and enjoy it on a dark and...
Christmas Movie
Should A Catholic See “Journey To Bethlehem”?
An Advent pre-game is coming to theaters in November, helping Christians and moviegoers to reflect on the mystery of the incarnation before the Christmas season. Journey to Bethlehem is a unique musical reproduction of the Nativity story, which admits at the end that...
The Noel Diary: A Christmas Movie Worth Watching
Hallmark, Great American Channel, Lifetime, Hulu, Netflix, and many other companies and networks compete in the Christmas movie market. Each year dozens upon dozens of new films are available for our viewing or streaming desire. The pattern of these movies...
Movie Review: I Heard The Bells
Church bells will soon be summoning worshippers on Christmas Eve and Day. All types of believers will fill church pews for one of the holiest days of the Christian year. Some will be regulars, others occasional, and some will be those who attend only on...
The Young Messiah And The Challenge Of Depicting Jesus’ Childhood
The Young Messiah is a film that tells the story of the child Jesus on his return from Egypt as he and the Holy Family settle down in Nazareth. This is obviously a fictional portrayal as this stage in the Lord Jesus’ life is described briefly in the Gospels....