
Christian TikTok with Fr. Rob

Christian TikTok with Fr. Rob

In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George discuss thoughts about Christian TikTok and social media at large. Fr. Rob recovered from COVID and spent a lot of time on TikTok and he shares some of what he found. He encourages social media users...

Leo XII: Habemus Papam– Episode 250

Leo XII: Habemus Papam– Episode 250

Leo XII: An old traditionalist Pope who tries to reset Europe after the uphevals of the French Revolution In this episode of Habemus Papam, Fr. Conrad discusses Leo XII, who succeeded Pius VII: A strange conclave in Venice leads to another Pius and another conflict...

Why The Soul Is Naturally Christian

Why The Soul Is Naturally Christian

Why the soul is Naturally Christian Among the treasures of our Christian heritage are two doctrinal statements bequeathed to us by Tertullian, the late-second and early-third century Carthaginian Church Father. It was he who provided his Christian heirs with the most...

These 2 Images Powerfully Show The Stark Difference Between The Christian Who Prays And The One Who Doesn’t

These 2 Images Powerfully Show The Stark Difference Between The Christian Who Prays And The One Who Doesn’t

As someone that tries to share the faith with others, I often find myself struggling to explain prayer. What difference does it really make? Isn't it enough that I simply help others, that I be a "good person"? Albeit convincing for many – sometimes I myself fall into...

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