In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George discuss thoughts about Christian TikTok and social media at large. Fr. Rob recovered from COVID and spent a lot of time on TikTok and he shares some of what he found. He encourages social media users...
Mercy and Gratitude as the Heart of Christian Life with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discuss mercy and gratitude in the heart of the Christian life. They reflect on a quote from Thomas Merton before his ordination that states that mercy and gratitude must be at the heart of...
Leo XII: Habemus Papam– Episode 250
Leo XII: An old traditionalist Pope who tries to reset Europe after the uphevals of the French Revolution In this episode of Habemus Papam, Fr. Conrad discusses Leo XII, who succeeded Pius VII: A strange conclave in Venice leads to another Pius and another conflict...
Why The Soul Is Naturally Christian
Why the soul is Naturally Christian Among the treasures of our Christian heritage are two doctrinal statements bequeathed to us by Tertullian, the late-second and early-third century Carthaginian Church Father. It was he who provided his Christian heirs with the most...
Even Patriots Fans Will Agree With The Goal Of The Eagles Zach Ertz
We're not taking sides for the big game, but we are in complete agreement with the faith goals of Philadelphia Eagles tight end Zach Ertz. Join us in praying that Ertz leads others to Christ through his witness to the faith. We thank God for athletes that realize the...
These 2 Images Powerfully Show The Stark Difference Between The Christian Who Prays And The One Who Doesn’t
As someone that tries to share the faith with others, I often find myself struggling to explain prayer. What difference does it really make? Isn't it enough that I simply help others, that I be a "good person"? Albeit convincing for many – sometimes I myself fall into...
The 7 Social Problems That Every Christian Is Called To Heal
Today’s society has radically changed from the morals of the past. We’ve gone from traditional marriage to other forms of civil union, from the defense of life to abortion, and from freedom of expression to a cancel culture. We know that men change constantly, but, is...
Will They Know You’re A Christian By Your Body Language?
This video by Dr. Amy Cutty lays out some very interesting insights into the importance of body language. It’s a “back to the basics” topic but when it’s looked at in light of the faith, a few valuable reflections emerge. 3 Things To Remember About Your Body Language...
4 Vital Lessons That Holy Week Teaches Us About Being A Christian Today
In celebrating the mysteries of Holy Week, one of the basic questions which comes to mind is, "What does it mean to be a Christian in the world today?" Many times the Christian stands out for his controversial views in the political arena. Many times he appears as...
What’s The Big Deal About Baptism?
Our baptismal promises – promises that were made at one particular and special moment in our lives, yet through this sacrament’s indelible spiritual mark, do and must continue to shape our life. As Catholics, by way of reminder, we situate our reflection on the...
What Would Happen If We Stopped Being Selfish and Began Living Radically for Christ?
This video, produced by, struck me as simple and impressively creative. It goes to the heart of the matter asking, "What would happen if we decided to revolutionize our generation?" What would happen if we traded in selfishness and took up a radical...