In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George discuss the recent comment of Pope Francis that says that all religions are pathways to God. Some people were upset at this comment, but fail to recognize the tradition of the Catholic Church in this...
Eucharistic Visits with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George discuss short visits to the Eucharist in our routine. Some people may struggle to do a Holy Hour. This sometimes feels daunting and unattainable. However, Fr. Rob and Fr. George encourage us to make...
Scriptural Prayer with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George discuss how one can pray with Scripture. Fr. Rob shares the Benedictine method, commonly known as Lectio Divina for scriptural prayer. Lectio Divina is Latin for Divine Reading. In Lectio Divina, one...
Holy Spirit in Scripture with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George discuss the role the Holy Spirit plays in the Sacraments. More specifically, Fr. Rob focuses on the role of the Spirit in Scripture readings during the Sacraments. They emphasize the impact having a...
Easter is Not Just Another Day with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob discusses how Easter is more than just another day. Easter is the culmination of our faith. We should live "Easter" all the days of our lives. We do this through acts of mercy and charity. By living in this way,...
Easter and St. John’s Understanding: A Throwback
Easter: So, it is the Triduum…we have done well(ish) with Lent, but how to we celebrate Easter? Tune in and hear Fr. Rampino explain how the Gospel of St. John explains Easter. How we should live it out! Christ desires to bring us to the Father and save us. St. John...
Temptations of Jesus in the Desert with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discuss the temptations of Jesus in the Desert. The temptations of Jesus give us an understanding of how Christ experienced every facet of the human life, except sin. These temptations are...
Fasting During Advent with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discuss how the season of Advent is a preparation to celebrate the birth of Christ. One means of preparation for the Solemnity could be to practice fasting. Fr. Rob makes the distinction...
The Second Coming with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discuss the purpose of the Second Coming of Christ and how Advent is a preparation for Christ's second coming. We do not know when Christ will come again and usher in a new creation, so it is...
Father Boniface Hicks on Personal Prayer
Fr Boniface Hicks discusses his book and reveals the secrets of deepening your Catholic prayer life! Father Boniface is a Catholic monk or Benedictine Monk who can help you unlock the power of Catholic prayer! Receive 20% off Personal Prayer: A Guide to Receiving the...
Anointing of the Sick with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob talks about the often misunderstood Sacrament in the Church: Anointing of the Sick. What is the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick for? What does Anointing of the Sick do? Fr. Rob answers these questions as well as...
Catholic Counseling for Kids || Sister Josephine Garrett’s Invitation to Hope
Sister Josephine Garret of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth a Catholic Counselor answers does my child need counseling and so much more! She shares her tips for raising healthy kids in a wounded world and how parents can find hope without falling into deep...
The Bold, Childlike Preaching Of St. Francis Of Assisi
Sometimes he preached hard like a boxer’s jaw. But sometimes he preached soft as the underside of a kitten’s paw. And sometimes he preached so joyful it shone through the sweetness of his smile. But sometimes he preached so soulful it stung...
Chris Pratt Preaches The Gospel On MTV With His 9 Rules For Life
Thank you, Chris Pratt, for your incredible witness of faith. With your words of wisdom, you proved that you are a worthy recipient of the "Our Generation Award." Finally, we get to see a celebrity who is not afraid to stand for God and encourage others to...
Why Was Mary Absent From The Original Nativity Scene?
Since the beginning, Christian artists tended to reflect the theological developments that were going on at the time. Before the Nativity theme, for example, it was the Adoration of the Magi that first appeared in the 3rd century. In the background, we find the...
10 Surprising Things That Happen When You Go To Adoration More Often
The Eucharist is described in the Catechism as the "source and summit" of our faith. Finding the time to go to Adoration can be difficult. But if you can make it happen, committing to regular Adoration with an open heart can have some surprising results. While they...
25 Things You Can Do On Good Friday To Remember Christ’s Sacrifice
Good Friday is the most solemn day of the year for Christians. This is the day when we remember Christ's death on the cross for us. We remember the suffering He endured for our sake. We are reminded of the depths of His love for us. Do not let Good Friday go by as...
This Intricate Animated Video On The Life Of Christ Is Incredibly Beautiful
One solitary life. It was full of failure, and it ended in a premature and shameful death. There were no career accolades, family, or world acclaim. Just a life that was born into an enemy occupation, grew up in a working-class trade, lived at home, and ended with a...
Without Suffering No One Wins The Crown | St. Thomas Becket
“Remember then how our fathers worked out their salvation; remember the sufferings through which the Church has grown, and the storms the ship of Peter has weathered because it has Christ on board. Remember how the crown was attained by those whose sufferings gave new...
What Happens When We Turn Our Backs On The Poor | Mother Teresa Quote
”The poor are thirsty for water but also for peace, truth and justice. The poor are naked and need clothing, but also need human dignity and compassion for those who sin. The poor have no shelter and need shelters made of bricks, but also of a joyful heart,...
How Do You Let Christ Reign In You? | St. Josemaria Escriva
7 How do you let Christ reign in you? | St. Josemaria Escriva “Christ should reign first and foremost in our soul. But how would we reply if he asked us: “How do you go about letting me reign in you?” I would reply that I need lots of his grace. Only that way can my...
Good Friday Explained Through 20 Images Of The Crucifixion
In this gallery, we introduce some classic works depicting the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ on Good Friday. Let's see how those images help us to interpret, treasure and meditate upon the mystery of the cross, especially in these days in which we...
A Powerful Video of the Passion: Have you experienced Christ’s gaze of love?
Easter is quickly approaching and in the remaining time in Lent we ask Our Lady to lead us to her Son. My friend, Julie Rodgers, made this powerful video for a talk about authentic encounter. Clips from the Passion of the Christ show the encounters of love between...
Someone Has To Die: You Or Me
Countless religious studies indicate, time and time again, that men come to discover that something has gone wrong in their hearts. Something beyond his memory - something far in the past - went dreadfully wrong. Pain, suffering, injustice, egoism, oppression… these...
What’s Your Why? Finding Motivation Behind What We Do
As the Church settles into the season of Lent, this video serves as a good reminder to evaluate not only what we have committed to, but why we are doing it. As the season goes on, some of that energy might wear off, and we might find ourselves second-guessing our...